K LISTEN UP YALL here’s the Harmony Exam AU that has been living rent-free in my brain since 2020 but I didn’t talk about because I wanted to write a fic for it but since I realised I’m probably never going to get around to it so I guess I’ll just make drawings LOL.
This AU is set before Ep 1 and except RD and FS the Mane 6 don’t know each other yet. Facing the imminent threat of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia organises the Harmony Exam where randomly allocated groups of six in a series of trials (not unlike the canon ones, except much longer and harder and also fairer because anyone can sign up and not just TS & Co) to bear the Elements of Harmony. (This is a pretty basic idea so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone already thought of it but humour me also I bet theirs doesn’t have appledash which mine DOES)
I’m definitely going to be posting a lot more on this AU because I’ve literally nursed ideas on this for two years so stay tuned 🎵🎵 and I hope yall will enjoy this as much as I do