
It was about time I started designing my main OCs' parents. This is Illiterate Supremacy's mother, Sigur-Ròs Lìnhildsdottir. Hope you like her!

Name: Sigur-Ròs Lìnhildsdottir.

Nickname(s): Sigur, Ròs, Rose, "Ma" (by Illy).

Gender: Female

Height: Tall, taller than both Illy and his father.

Body type: Muscular, somewhat bulkier than regular unicorns. Extra fluffy white fur with silver markings. Cloven hooves.

Hair: Very wavy, cinder grey towards the roots, silver towards the ends.

Eyes: Amber, stone-grey eyeshadow. Eyeliner.

Relatives: Brynjolff Salazar Justice (husband), Velvet Justice / Illiterate Supremacy (son), Hyde Broken Shadow (basically daughter-in-law), Terry, Penumbra and Onyx (grandchildren), Lìnhildur Hugdìsdottir (deceased, mother).

Personality: Calm, quiet, relaxed, introverted without being shy. Patient teacher. Nostalgic of her homeland and its folklore, but happy to have sacrificed it to create her beautiful family. Speaks with a slight accent.

Special talent: Teaching calligraphy, runes and how to play an Icelandic instrument called "Langspil". (She gives private lessons in her home, she isn't working for a school).

Likes: Hot chocolate; teaching; playing the langspil; Lennyland's cooking (especially desserts); her family; knitting.

Dislikes: Hot weather; her homeland's cooking; bugs; bugs; BUGS; keep those bugs away from her, for goodness' sake ;

Cutie Mark: Three Norse runes, representing her initials: S, R and L. (Her surname follows Iceland's tradition and is obtained from her mother's name, Lìnhildur, + "daughter").

Random quote: "Oh helvíti! It's another of those nasty fly-thinghies… Bryyyn! HELP!"


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