Behind every pinup there is small army of specialists who have made it possible. From location coordinators who find the best spots to have for backgrounds. Professional photographers who've mastered the numerous facets of their art. The models of course, who've devote their lives to looking like they do. Hair stylists that assure the models are their best in front of the camera. Photo manipulation experts who correct anything discrepancies the photographer couldn't on site. Seamstresses who often custom make the swimsuits for the models, and many more people behind scene.
But there's another very important person on the site who's hands-on, literally, expertise is essential. The Bikini Wrangler. Often former models themselves the Bikini Wrangler move, adjust, and shift the swimsuit on the model for maximum effect. Also they will sometimes move or shift the models breasts to look their very best. The wrangler needs to have an eye for detail, and be an individual that the models trust to let them go about their business.
Rarity has decided to model herself one of her latest creations. For this she's asked Coco Pommel to act as her wrangler. Coco has an eye for detail, understands how garments hang off the body of a mare, and knows how garments are made. So she's qualified for the job. The only problem is that she can become a little bit fixated. Fortunately Rarity understands.