This is a very old (2020-2022) drawing from an idea I came up with: "What if Equestria Girls were more thick?" So I came up with this "Equestria Thiccs" series and I decided to do 8 edits with all of mane 6 and maybe some extras. I started with Fluttershy and I did Dashie, AJ, etc. But a year (two in the case of Fluttershy) has passed and my style had changed a bit so I thought to myself "Now what? I should upload it to my Derpibooru account? Or maybe keep it for myself? And after all this time I decided I would upload it to Derpi but with two changes: First, reducing the number of edits to 3 (4 drawings in total) because too many of them were very similar and/or redundant. And second, I would remaster a bit all of the drawings because I think they were very poorly made compared with my recent style. Anyways, this is the result of the first drawing and before conclude, I would like to say that I'm very bad at drawing with color vectors but I tried my best and I hope you like it. Cheers!
Normal Outfit → [#2927885](/images/2927885) (You are here)
Lewder Outfit → [#2928395](/images/2928395)
Topless and panties → [#2928423](/images/2928423)
(Bonus) Sexy lingerie → [#2928450](/images/2928450)
(Bonus+) Skirt only → [#2929305](/images/2929305)
not provided yet