Nicknames: Jifster (pretty much called only by Sunny Side) Parents: Doctor Time Turner Whooves and Ditzy Doo Species: pegasus (earth/pega mix) Special Talent: ??? Occupation: ??? Quick Bio:
- When he was young he was a fan of science, getting it from his dad. - Was bullied by others (for his look, like having big ears, freckles and braces, and for being studious). He decided that instead of being bullied he will become the bully himself. - Despite becoming a 'bad boy', he still stayed studious. He is a pretty smart stallion. - At the Friendship School as a teen he formed a gang with Sunny Side and Star Light. - He joined the Buckball team. - Most of the bad guy thing is an act, as he is actually pretty caring. - He is protective of his parents, especially his mom. He doesn't allow anypony to talk badly of her, unless they wanna catch some hooves.