> A Magically bubbily Entrapped WerePony!
> So as you might imagine, Were-Pony's aren't really…accepted as part of most Societies in the um… mlp universe. And there are those who hunt the various 'pests'…and as magic is seemingly a prominent figure, it would not be to imagine there being spells that can no doubt keep things…locked up.
> Which is the fate of Kuceski in this drawing, where by he's entrapped in a Magically conjured bubble. With the Crystal beneath it, feeding the bubble with a steady flow of magic so the barrier doesn't ever subside…until the Crystal runs out of its magic charge that is.
> Studied a tad bit more of the mlp style, I don't want to follow it straight off the book, but it looks close enough and still contains hints of my own style. And I do like how Kuceski looks here, over the other drawing .
> ANywhozer's enjoy
> Mlp © Hasbro, & Lauren Faust