> MLP characters lineart study
> Hi, friends !
> well, weeks ago I upload in my galery a few basic sketches of a MLP fan work project
> In this scale , you can see the the main character of this project with their lineart.
> Ok, let's the explanation
> in the model our can see the six main ponie heroines:
> Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy
> after their our have the models of Spike, Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna and a basic model of the pegasus royal guard
> The three new ponies are a spacial creation mine for this work:
> Thunderchild, the eletric unicorn
> Icebreaker, the frost pegasus
> Fireworker, the flame mare
> They are "The Fabulous Tri-Sis"
> This trio of sisters will help Princess Luna( for her tough luck ….)
> Finally, what would be the heroes without villains, is not it?
> This demon ram is Grogar, the lord of Darkness of ancient Tambelon city
> behind him, see his servant, Bray, the donkey and the new Grogar's particular sorceress, the great and powerfull Trixie
> as also have the model of commander in chief of Tambelon's army, the commander Hammer Horn and basic model of the goats soldiers and elite soldiers of Grogar's army
> How I explain in the first model, Grogar and Bray are characters of the 80's original series and, I belive that can be a good idea make a "remake" of some old ideas
> Soom I will upload the the color version of this model and more some studies of this idea
> MLP and friendship is magic characters belong to Hasbro and [fyre-flye](https://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/)
> Thunderchild, Icebreaker, Fireworker and Hammer Horm is OC of [animewave](https://animewave.deviantart.com/)