
Taranasaurus and ThatMusicBrony made a collab that was on Ponies at Dawn and is awesome!!
You can listen to the song here : [[CLICK HERE](]

So Taran asked me to give him and tmb some inspiration for what i see in the song, I couldn't explain it in words, so I just made this doodle to convey my idea: []( . I liked it so much and coveyed the idea so well that I worked up from there, improving the scenery, fixing the ponies, to be on the same level, 'cuz it is a collab and not one-man-show.

I'm very proud of this piece and I can't not thank [AnticularPony]( for the help of understanding the shading for Aurora and fixing up the lamps so that they don't look too short and wonky.

Have an awesome day!

P.S. If you're wondering where the taxi is.. it's still there, just hidden by TMB's head. This is the BG: [](


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