Born to Silly


> The Mortal Paper Fist said:
> Mingle with the crowd. Can’t hurt to get to know more of the town’s inhabitants and maybe they are equally curious about us non-bat ponies.

Now that the surprisingly brief ritual is over, you decide to turn to the bat ponies nearby, and try greeting a couple of them.

Sociable stallion: "Yes? Oh, you're one of the outsiders."

Minutious mare: "One o' the outsiders? That's the pony who fought the grootslang head-on! And this one carried the Oracle to safety while we all ran away!"

Sociable stallion: "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Any friend of the Oracle is a friend of ours. Really, it's a good thing you were there. Losing our homes might as well be the just punishment for our shameful reaction back then."

Minutious mare: "Or the push we needed to move somewhere else. Maybe even to the surface this time. Thank you for savin' us, by the way."

Apple Basket: "Shucks, I'm just glad everypony's okay."

You agree with Apple Basket, and ask the pair about their thoughts on outsiders.

Sociable stallion: "I'll admit, I wasn't sure at first, but after everything that's happened, it's hard to think of you as the villains we portrayed you to be. Maybe what the Oracle said is true; times have changed, and the ponies with them."

Minutious mare: "And if the Oracle herself couldn't have done her trial without you, then it's clear to me that our ancestors are tryin' to tell us somethin'. Not to say anythin' of the Princess's return."

As if on cue, Moonflower and Luna return to the front of the crowd, drawing everypony's attention once more. Then, the Princess steps forward to address them.

Luna: "Clansponies of Starfalls! The Oracle has made me aware of your situation. Know that much like you, I have but recently returned to this new Equestria, one that is both reminiscent yet different from the land I once called home.

As such, we have come to a decision: I will offer my guidance not only to your Oracle, but to all of you, that my experience may help you no longer fear your neighbours, but instead rejoice together under the glorious night sky!"

As she finishes her short speech, the Princess of the Night uses her alicorn magic to cast a spell. Then, behind her, a shining moon rises over the distant hills. For a moment, the bat ponies can only stare in awe, until the silence is broken by a single squeaky cheer.

Moonflower: "Yaaay‼"

Snapped out of their astonishment, the crowd erupts into belated acclamations, which appear to please the princess all the same. When the evening air gradually regains its quietude, Moonflower seems to remember something.

Moonflower: "Oh yeah! I also got an announcement to make! Is that okay? Blazer, do you got it here?"

You nod, and bring the formal invitation to the young bat pony, before stepping aside for her to read it aloud.

You give Formal Invitation to Moonflower.

Moonflower: "Thanks! Ahem… hear ye! Mayor Hoofingold and family cor…di… invite all residents of Starfalls Town — that's us! — to Hoofington's annual Autumn Festival, held tomorrow, on the twenty-first of Sextilis. (Heehee… Sextilis…)

Uh, the opening and ending ceremonies will take place at the town square at nine, and twenty-one o'clock res…pec…tively, and the evening activities will be extended until midnight for your noc…tur…nal pleasure!

Food and sunshade will be provided. (Oh, Blazer! They thought of everythin'!) Uh, we would be honoured by your pre-sense… presence…! and hope that you enjoy the festival! That's all!"

As Moonflower concludes her reading, the villagers begin to chatter once again, their expressions ranging from curiosity to excitement.

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