They bumped into eachother on the street, and Zephyr was quick to flirt with such a wealthy and famous stallion. Blueblood was actually quite receptive to this, enjoying Zephyr's boldness compared to the blushing and courteous mares and stallions that he met most often. They hit it off, and Zephyr immediately blew off work to go out for drinks with Blueblood. This first night turned into a regular routine. He and Blueblood would meet up whenever they could and spend the night together before parting ways in the morning. Things got much more serious when Zephyr's semester ended and he had more time to spend with Blueblood. The white stallion was terrified of commitment and actually tried to break things off at this point, but changed his mind when Zephyr insisted that he also wanted to keep things kinda casual.
This did not last, as within literal hours of this conversation, both of them managed to say 'I love you' in bed without thinking. They took this as a clear sign of their compatibility and made their relationship official, though not exclusive. Both Zephyr and Blueblood agreed that they would share their home and be affectionate with each other only, they were both permitted to sleep with whomever they liked, as long as they were safe and kept it out of the house.
They lived like this for nearly 3 years until Zephyr finally finished beauty school. Blueblood surprised Zephyr at his graduation party with a proposal. They had a brief engagement before they got married at a quite subdued ceremony on Hearth's Warming Eve, a lifelong fantasy of Blueblood's.
Shortly after returning from their Honeymoon in Prance, Blueblood's adoptive sister, Cadence, had her son. They traveled to the Crystal Empire to attend the festivities of the Crystaling of the newborn prince, Sonnet Shine.
Because there is never any peace and quiet in the Crystal Empire, Sombra of all ponies made an appearance. He was quickly apprehended by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, and neutralized. Though this time, the neutralization came in the form of a powerful spell that removed all the dark magic from the disposed king, returning him to his original form as a normal Unicorn, a vampiric one at that. The unintended consequence of this spell was the destruction of his horn. The dark magic within the stallion was most concentrated there, and was blown to pieces when the magic was removed from it. Sombra was imprisoned in the Crystal Empire, though he made no attempts to do any harm or seize any power. His good behavior was rewarded with a full sized apartment in the empty wing of the Crystal Castle.
He had pretty much no visitors until Zephyr and Blueblood, came stumbling down the hallway towards his apartment. The pair were drunkenly searching for a quiet place to fool around, and instead stumbled upon the ancient ruler of the kingdom. They were obviously sobered by this, and while Blueblood began to apologize for intruding, Zephyr turned on the charm. Just like Blueblood before him, Sombra was charmed by Zephyr's behavior, and actually invited them in for a drink (with the approval of the guards of course).
Sombra, Blueblood, and Zephyr got on quite well, with their three distinct flavors of narcissism meshing well. They talked long into the night and made plans to meet again. Blueblood and Zephyr began to take regular trips to the icy city, both to spend time with family, and to visit the dark king. Over many months, Sombra became more and more privileged in his imprisonment. Soon, Cadence and Twilight together decided that Sombra had begun to turn towards good, and found that Zephyr and Blueblood's presence was redemptive for him. With a threat of renewed, less cushy imprisonment, Sombra was freed.
They pretty much instantly became a throuple. Their love affair lasted several years, with Zephyr and Blueblood going so far as to move to the Crystal Empire so Sombra could remain in his homeland. Eventually a wedding came, and with it, Sombra was granted the title of Lord, something that pleased him greatly. Despite the self centered and whiny natures of all three stallions, their marriage was a harmonious and content one, and they decided they were ready for a child. With a little help, and magic, Zephyr was able to carry and eventually deliver their Crown Jewel, who they all adore.