Characters in order: Braeburn, Robin Fete (oc), Stella Spree (oc), Morello Fiesta (oc), and Cherry Jubilee
These two are both bi and generally attracted to their same gender more than others, they certiainly didn't see themselves married to a different gender and with kids, but here we are. So how did we get here?
Braeburn and Cherry Jubilee met the same way Cherry met Applejack, at a rodeo. Both were front seat and watching the atheletes, the two got to talking, sharing fruity snacks, and admiring the atheletes physiques together. After the rodeo they ended up going to Cherrys hotel room together and kept in touch after.
A few months down the line and Cherry had to tell Braeburn that she was pregnant, and he was the only likely partner. He of course jumped to over-protective and doting on Cherry that very second, never doubting that he would be there for her and their child. Braeburn moved in with Cherry Jubilee in Dodge Junction and cared for her while she was pregnant.
Both were overjoyed upon learning their bun in the oven was actually a three pack, Braeburn was comitted to the idea of being the best dad ever, likely stemming from his issues with his own parents, and almost never stopped thinking up opportunities for things he could do with the kids, Cherry was much more relaxed, with a 'what will be will be' attitude.
Both had farms to run in their respective towns, but thanks to the closeness of Appleloosa and Dodge they were able to come to an easy compromise, they ended up building a ranch between the two towns, surrounded on one side by apple trees, and cherries on the other. It wasn't too much of a hassle to travel into either town when they needed to, but the odd night spent at a hotel wasn't unusual for either party.
They ended up having three girls, all beautiful southern belles and the pride of both towns, and their parents too. They may be country girls, and no stranger to farm work, but they adore fashion, romance novels, and all things girly. They were all named similarly to their mother, but Braeburn doesn't mind, there's a lot of Apples in Equestria already.
Braeburn and Cherry live and love together, but are more like best-friends-with-benefits than a married couple and have a very open relationship.