Color Splash is a scatterbrained and lovable "deep one" seapony that lives in a large cavernous lake under Canterlot. She worships "father dagon" and is all too happy to share her faith and encourage others to catch and eat fish with her, much to the dismay and disgust of the herbivorous party members. Extremely inquisitive and loves hearing stories of the "world above", and wants to visit one day, but cannot visit as the sun hurts her eyes. After meeting the party members and getting into a fight with some mind-controlling demons, she ends up summoning Dagon and it was up to our heroes to stop the destruction of Canterlot.
Color Splash is an angler by trade, and uses a boat, but does not ride in it, but rather tugs it along to fill with fish while singing an old seapony folk song ("…Shoo Be Doo, Shoo Shoobe Do").