" My crown! " She gasped.
" Hey- Uhm, I found this on the ground, I think you dropped it on the way back here after you were unfrozen. I figured I'd return it! You are still Queen Chrysalis after all, and what's a ruler without her crown? … Well, unless you're me or Aunt Twi, we find them a bit heavy, ehehe… " Flurry Heart chuckled awkwardly. " But your crown is small and I know you wore it all the time, so, here! "
A hole was formed in the magical barrier to let the crown pass through, before quickly sealing again. Hesitantly, Chrysalis took it and put it back on her head. She let out a sigh of relief- it didn't feel cursed in some way, and it was nice to have it back where it belongs.
" I'll see if I can make this place a little more comfortable for you too in the morning, get a bed for you if you'd like! I'll do what I can to make sure you don't feel too much like a prisoner, okay? " Flurry Heart smiled.
" Whatever- Just, leave me in peace would you? " Chrysalis spat.
" Of course, you'll want some rest. Goodnight, Queen Chrysalis! " She waved, trotting back to the main halls of the Castle.
Queen Chrysalis sighed, turning around, taking her crown off her head and holding it close to her as she began to lay down…
" … Thank you. " She muttered under her breath.