
Originally posted on: June 18, 2022 at 10:38 PM UTC
> {LunaVerse}~ Found
> In the beginning, Luna and Celestia were abandoned when they were very young. Not by choice, but because both their parents died in a war. Their parents, King Orion Constellation and Queen Galaxia Maxima, were both rulers of the earth. They were celestial beings, created from nothing in space. As they both wandered space, they found each other, and both created the earth. They watched from above as creatures evolved, and with it, came the first few species of ponies. They grew, survived, settled, built, and formed colonies.
> The ponies knew of their creators existence, but only from mere sightings. Forming's in the clouds, the stars would shine differently, but the most interesting of all were the sightings in what is now known as the Everfree forest. This forest is vast, deep, with various creatures lurking, but it is where Orion and Galaxia would often meet to see each other. Many ponies would wander in the forest, but not too far in, only far enough so that they could return. Most often than not, many would not come out. But those who did, they would recall the sighting of beings, far greater than their own kind, who emanated raw power that would help them on their way out for those who became lost. Those who recalled coming close to King Orion, they described him as dark as the space above, with eyes shining like two moons and his wings as bright as comet tails, but whose aura was as soft as a waters touch and full of knowledge. For those who recalled glancing at Queen Galaxia, they described her as radiant as diamonds in the sun, wings like star fire and mane of no comparing beauty, but her aura was of radiating confidence but as fresh and relaxing as a soft breeze. But close as you wanted to be, they were elusive beings. But their names would not be known until the first colonies of ponies formed and guided by Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead.
> Princess Platinum's cousin, Star Swirl, was the most recognized unicorn at the time. He would often be out of Equestria in quests, and in one of his visits, young Star Swirl bumped upon the King and Queen. When Star Swirl returned, he recalled what happened to every pony. Their names, their intentions, and how they watch them from above. King Orion and Queen Galaxia were venerated, and some would travel to leave gifts and offerings to their deities. But not all just goes right. In the other side of the world, commotion started to rumble. Monsters and creatures who as well had their own kingdoms as ponies, started going berserk. Something had to cause the commotion, but it was happening fast and it was devastating. King Orion and Queen Galaxia, having sensed and seen from above the commotion, called for Star Swirl to defend Equestria at the front line. Pegasi, Unicorn and Earth ponies, those who volunteered to defend the kingdom advanced to this war along with their rulers. King Orion and Queen Galaxia, with their very presence, gave the ponies and their allies power to fight and stop whatever wanted to turn this world in ruins. But this was no easy war, even for the rulers themselves. This battle, lasting months, finally came to an end.
> In the process, many of the monsters were killed and the invasion was stopped, but it came at a cost for the lives of the King and Queen. King Orion gave his life for his kingdom, stopping a blast from disintegrating their allies. The instant shock killed him and as he fell, the ponies and others stared horridly as their king died. But Queen Galaxia was not far behind, having the enemy distracted, with one last blow, defeated the enemy and banished him for thousands of years to come. Having been hurt herself, and holding at the last thread of existence, gave Star Swirl one last favor, a task of her own.
> "Star Swirl, my light is evanescing, dissipating, dying. I ask of you a last service for me. Within the heart of the deep green, sail out into the crevices, and from within my home, relieve the last bits of my and my union. They will guide this earth with that is left of us. See you ever, my friend."
> Their bodies evaporated in the air, floating up to the sky never to be seen again. Not wanting to disappoint the last requests of their dear friends, Star Swirl, with the help of his cousin, traveled to the forest. Now that their rulers were gone, the forest felt different. A shift in the mood of the forest could be felt to the very core of the ponies bones. With the memory of what he could gather, Star Swirl guided his cousin and the guards to where he first met their deceased creators, to what looked like a last hint they left for Star Swirl. Going deeper, they came across a type of castle merged with the nature surrounding it. If they had seen it before, this place was a heaven on earth, but with the loss, it looked more eerie and dangerous. Staying close, they go in. Up until now, Star Swirl hadn't even thought of what he was looking for. An amulet? Totem? Book? Staff? Princess Platinum could only tell her guards to look for something of value.
> Princess Platinum
"Cousin of mine, I know thee has a task at hand. But our eyes not know what to look for."
> Star Swirl- "I know Princess. I just need time for my eyes to understand."
> As Star Swirl scoured the place, the words of Galaxia resonated in his head. With a frustrating kick, Star Swirl unlocks what looks to be a passage way down. Not even acknowledging his cousins calls Star Swirl goes down, his horn illuminating just enough ahead of them. As they progressed, thinking nothing was in there, a small spark crashed just above one of the guards. Just ahead of them, what appeared to be eyes shone like the moonlight and the spark was there again. Shining his light just enough, every pony was in shock. In the corner, two small fillies stared back at them. But, they were different. They had horns, but also bared wings.
> ~
> This took sometime to write lol
> So this is my background story for Luna and Celestia in my Luna Verse AU. If you are new, Luna Verse is an AU that I created in where Luna is the older sister and Celestia is the youngest. This is only one part of the background story for these two.
> So yeah, in this AU Luna and Celestia were abandoned in their home, as their parents left to fight in the war. They never had any interaction with another pony before so every pony is kind of shocked.
> Hope you guys like it~


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