-While growing up he knew he was different from the other Changeling children in the class and was made fun of it by them. It wasn’t until he met Cadance that he found out that he was actually a Changedling Royal meaning that he had to have been born from one of the Royal family’s form any of the Changeling hives.
-Chrysalis suspects he might be related to Thorax and Pharynx but hasn’t been able to confirm it.
-Shining Armor was the Captain of the Royal Guards for Equestria
-While playing Ogres & Oubliettes he has made a white unicorn knight as his character that he transforms into while playing the game.
-Chrysalis at first didn’t approve of him dating her daughter as she thought he was beneath her. It wasn’t until at Shining and Cadance’s wedding she saw how happy he made her daughter and finally considered him acceptable for her.