
1) Lil baby Starlight Glimmer going over to her Papaw's house for the night. Her dad Starflower is dropping her off while he and Firelight go on date night. Her pawpaw is gonna tell her amazing stories about his adventures in the coal mines! I'm sure she'll remember the stories fondly and they won't take on a new darker meaning once her childhood innocence has faded! oof…

2-3) "I just really wish you were still here Pap. I still need you."

Even as an adult, Starlight really wishes her father Starflower was still around. She sees so much of him in her daughter White Rabbit and it's very bittersweet for her because she feels like he should be here to meet her and know his grandchild. Starlight also just plain misses her pap. Things were far from perfect when he was alive, but she was so young that most of her memories are happily playing with her pap in the sun, having picnics under the stars and him telling her folk tales. His death seemed so sudden and random to her as a child but as she grows older she understands more and more of what happened…

So what happened to him? I still haven't decided honestly. It's definitely going to be some environmental disaster tied to the coal mining in the town, and most likely he's going to fall down a front of Starlight. Honestly will have to tap my gf to help me write that, because dramatic storytelling is hard for me and I want it to read as traumatic and upsetting and not a silly horse falling down a hole. Both her father Starflower and her grandfather Golden Canary were victims of the results of coal mining, and both deaths traumatized Starlight in different ways.

Did you guys ever notice one of the main ways the mane six get around in the show is via a steam engine train? WHICH…run on coal. So we can assume Equestria does have coal mines. Are there coal mining ponies? These are the question's I've decided to ask with my nextgen story

also. @ myself. ok king of oddly cropped illustrations. nobody does it like i do. also: these are a lil old. but who am i to keep my convoluted starlight glimmer story from the wider public..some kind of monster?? no. i'm a man of the people. so i'm combing through all the stuff that's only been posted to patreon because I have scrambled egg brains. it WILL get posted…


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