
Just a small thing I doodled


Name: Sleepy Stardust
Nicknames: Stardust, Sleepy, Star, Dust, Dustie, Stareyes
Gender: Demiboy (he/they)
Species: Pony and goat hybrid
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Siblings: None

Personality/random facts:

-Actually a god though their apperiance may fool you
-They're a smaller more rarely seen god of dreams whose power mainly lies in being able to put someone to sleep and giving them good dreams (though he can also give nightmares if he so chooses)
-Looking into their eyes can make one drowzy so they usually cover their eyes or look down/avoid eye contact
-Very intuitive
-Prefers to be alone and do things by themself
-Has teeny tiny horn stubs covered by his hair, they'll grow into a halo shape as he gets older
-They're already some hundreds years old, but concidered a young adult by god standards


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