> Sweetie Belle stopped her friends just outside the school gymnasium. In her most commanding, but still adorable, voice she addressed her fellow CMC members.
> "Girls! I have it on good authority. Meaning Rarity. That half of making an outfit successful is your attitude! Tonight we're space pirates! Right?!
> "Arr!" Scootaloo and Applebloom growled in unison.
> Sweetie continued. "So! We're not just going to the school Nightmare Night costume party. Instead we're a boarding party of hardened space pirates, and this is a space station that we're going to board and plunder!
> "Yay! Plunder!" Yelled Applebloom as she waved a pipe wrench over her head.
> "Aye! Riches fer the taking! Growled Scootlaloo as she shouldered her toy laser carbine. "Ya give the word captain and we'll start the attack!"
> Sweetie smiled and continued. "So, what are ya hungering for girls? What booty do ya crave?" She pointed at that gymnasium. "I want that fer my new base of operations!"
> "I'm looking ta grab me self some power cores and a fast skiff!" Yelled the pegasus filly.
> "I'm looking ta git in a tussle and ta add ta my collection of busted teeth!" The earth pony waved the pipe wrench in the air again.
> Applebloom's friends both looked at her with slightly horrified expressions. Both of them had assumed AB was playing a ship's engineer. They now looked very intently at the pliers, wood chisel, and ball peen hammer hanging from AB's belt. After a second Scootaloo spoke.
> "AB. you know we're suppose to space pirates, not reavers?"
> The earth pony rolled her eyes. "Well yeah. We're dressed like pirate ponies. Not beavers!"
> Sweetie pinched her brow. "Reavers Applebloom. Not beavers."
> AB blinked several times. "Uh. Wutz a reaver?"
> Scootaloo stared dumbfounded. "You've never seen the series?!"
> Applebloom blushed. "Ah come on Scoots! Ya know we got lousy cable out at the farm."
> Sweetie Belle sighed and shook her head. "We'll explain it to you later Applebloom. Just be careful where you swing that pipe wrench. Alright?"
> The earth pony smiled rested the giant wrench on her shoulder. "Aye aye Captain!"
> "Girls! I have it on good authority. Meaning Rarity. That half of making an outfit successful is your attitude! Tonight we're space pirates! Right?!
> "Arr!" Scootaloo and Applebloom growled in unison.
> Sweetie continued. "So! We're not just going to the school Nightmare Night costume party. Instead we're a boarding party of hardened space pirates, and this is a space station that we're going to board and plunder!
> "Yay! Plunder!" Yelled Applebloom as she waved a pipe wrench over her head.
> "Aye! Riches fer the taking! Growled Scootlaloo as she shouldered her toy laser carbine. "Ya give the word captain and we'll start the attack!"
> Sweetie smiled and continued. "So, what are ya hungering for girls? What booty do ya crave?" She pointed at that gymnasium. "I want that fer my new base of operations!"
> "I'm looking ta grab me self some power cores and a fast skiff!" Yelled the pegasus filly.
> "I'm looking ta git in a tussle and ta add ta my collection of busted teeth!" The earth pony waved the pipe wrench in the air again.
> Applebloom's friends both looked at her with slightly horrified expressions. Both of them had assumed AB was playing a ship's engineer. They now looked very intently at the pliers, wood chisel, and ball peen hammer hanging from AB's belt. After a second Scootaloo spoke.
> "AB. you know we're suppose to space pirates, not reavers?"
> The earth pony rolled her eyes. "Well yeah. We're dressed like pirate ponies. Not beavers!"
> Sweetie pinched her brow. "Reavers Applebloom. Not beavers."
> AB blinked several times. "Uh. Wutz a reaver?"
> Scootaloo stared dumbfounded. "You've never seen the series?!"
> Applebloom blushed. "Ah come on Scoots! Ya know we got lousy cable out at the farm."
> Sweetie Belle sighed and shook her head. "We'll explain it to you later Applebloom. Just be careful where you swing that pipe wrench. Alright?"
> The earth pony smiled rested the giant wrench on her shoulder. "Aye aye Captain!"
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