

> He had beaten down such anxieties and fears before. He was leading the future, and the future needed strength, valor, and courage unlike any other. So, they strode down the halls as a team, as one living, breathing body of courageous Neighponese warriors.
> To his far right, there was Lieutenant Peaky Blossom of the Neighponese Solar Bolt squadron. Top of her class, she was hoofpicked by Shatter with some personal recommendation. The unicorn mare strode forth with a bright smile on her lips, an astonished gaze in her sparkling pink eyes as she gazed to the mighty pillars and stained glass windows they passed. Her bright yellow coat shone in the sunlight burning through the glass, her purple and red-striped mane amplified by that same warmth.
> On his far left, trotting far more casually than the rest of them, Lieutenant Rotor Wrench stood taller just as well. He seemed to mumble a song under his breath, a tune that left a seemingly permanent smirk on his lips. The burly, pale blue unicorn stallion was Neighpon’s top engineer of their largest naval fleet, and he wasn’t too bad behind the stick, either. His green eyes were shielded by the heavy sunglasses he wore, his brown mane dangling in front of his glasses. A short beard graced his face, just as freely as the Haywaiian shirt with bright, colorful flowers graced his body.
> Walking between Shatter and Rotor, Lieutenant Moonshadow did not carry the same love for life like Wrench did. However, like Rotor, she also wore sunglasses that hid her dark hazel eyes, but the unicorn mare did not wear any colorful fatigues. Her dark blue coat suited her name, with a short white mane barely even reaching her glasses. A high-ranking member of Neighpon’s robotics division, Moonshadow was chosen for her experience in such a field, not so much her piloting skills, which weren’t half bad, either. A toothpick sat between her lips, and she jostled it with her tongue in silence, staring dead ahead and not even considering to take in the sights.
> And on his direct right, Captain Cross Heart walked tall and proud alongside Shatter. He always seemed to hold a smile of some sort. Always happy. Always extravagantly excited. Peaky seemed to notice and appreciate his grin more and more. His green coat was almost a stark contract to Shatter’s, but the unicorn’s black mane mirrored his perfectly. Not so much his blue eyes. He was the one who recommended to Shatter to enlist Peaky into their team. He trusted her enough, and why shouldn’t he? Cross only trusted two ponies with his life; his younger brother Shatter Heart, and Peaky Blossom. His marefriend.
> In their center, leading them always was Commander Shatter Heart, the red unicorn stallion with crimson eyes focused only on his goals, and very little else at the moment. He did not smile as his older brother did. He rarely smiled anymore, only for grand occasions. Only for the coming days. Only when he needed to. And he needed to when called personally by the ruler of Equestria, and their closest ally since the Mass Awakening.


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