
At some point during our campaign an enclave experiment tore holes in the planes

One led to the chaos dimension

Our sorceress Silent Spring used chaos magic to save the world but became forever scarred with wild magic which turned one of her hair strands rainbow

Further info i wrote up: Silent Spring (who is Niriked in this picture I really should do a normal one for her) is a detective sorceress in our group searching for her family which was stolen by slavers

Shes pretty quiet about her past to most ponies except her girlfriend Shotglass. Shes a very powerful magic user and during the battle of Hackamore she used wild magic from discords chaos dimension as it was one of the many holes ripped open to help close the rifts along with the help of the Parties Medium Silent Echoes and many ghosts who closed it from the other side

Shes forever tainted with wild chaos magic which left a rainbow strand in her mane

Shes prone to anger when it comes to slavers and has very little patience with their stupidity

She helped alot with Thunder by casting magic missiles which csnt be dodged because hes a fast dude

Shes played by CaptainHoers

She has a sassy familiar spritebot named Con-e who likes to watch things burn


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