
Originally posted on: May 15, 2019 at 1:27 AM UTC
> My First Heist [2/2 w/ story]
> Read the previous stories from these images in order for context:
> Discovered — […](
> Street — […](
> Good Old Days — […](
> "How Can I Help You?" — […](
> Part 1: []([…](
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> She got me fitted in some compact but warm clothes for mountain warfare and soon we were ready. She got Percy to stay by Danny's side while we were away. NightSwift got a bag of various gear and then she teleported with me into the frigid cold of the Northern Spine, a long chain of peaks that divide Yakistan and Equestria. The moment we arrived we were greeted by icy winds and snow.
> "Whoo! Gotta love that chill, eh?"
> "Well it's not the worst cold I've experienced." I looked around the area for a set of tracks or really anything that would indicate a railway close by. I looked down at a narrow valley and spotted a clear ribbon of snow weaving between the trees.
> While I was busy looking, NightSwift set up a survival shelter and got a fire lit. She then cleared a small platform for us. "Yeah, this pass is perfect for an ambush."
> "I'll say."
> She nodded and, in the distance, I could hear the faint sound of a train whistle in the wind. I turned toward the direction of the sound and could just barely make out a black tower of smoke slowly creeping through the valley.
> NightSwift checked her watch. "Awesome! The 2:30 train is precisely on time. Places everyone, it's show time!"
> As soon as she said that I quickly made my way to the platform. We both got into our positions and NightSwift lay watching, her laser rangefinder in hand. "Alright, Mel, the launcher is easy to use. When I say so, pull the trigger and brace yourself."
> "Alright."
> She went quiet as I started to hear a low chugging as the train strained under its multi-ton load, frost and snow clinging onto the upper parts of the wagons. Pretty soon I could feel the chugging on the ground. "That's it…come to mama…Send it, Mel."
> I braced myself and pulled the trigger. In a split second the missile shot out of the tube and into the white abyss, leaving a flame trail as it went. NightSwift stayed absolutely focused and ten seconds later, I saw a magic orb of blue surround the train and a rough hole punched through the top of it. The shield suddenly evaporated as a geyser of rainbow flames shot out of the engine, fire rushed out of every hatch, door and window. A breath later there was a dull thud followed by another as the train started to slide off the tracks, colorful fire still rushed from the engine as, wagon by wagon, the train slid off the tracks and down into the valley floor. NightSwift jumped up. "FUCK YES! Did you see that?! C'mon, let's go!" She jumped off the edge and slid down the mountainside without a second thought.
> I followed suit. As I slid closer I could still hear the engine chugging, even when small explosions within it tore it apart. Nearby trees were roasted very quickly or had their branches blown away. On the valley floor NightSwift scrambled to a freight car and I followed after her. "Alright, Mel, grab the biggest box you can and set it up so I can shoot the locks off. We'll be in and out in no time." She shot the lock to the wagon's door and threw it open, expecting boxes to tumble out. But she was stunned when she was met with the terrified looks of a dozen foals.
> I stood there motionless before looking at the rest of the train. There was another freight car halfway down the train, sat upright and half-crushed. The engine was still exploding. My attention went back to the freight car in front of us when NightSwift finally spoke. "Well shit, I guess they had mixed cargo on board." Inside the wagon the foals were in were also military supply crates. I looked back over at the other car and realized something.
> "I'm checking the other car," I told NightSwift before I sprinted over to the other freight car, snow crunching under my hooves as I ran. Inside I could hear timid but frightened voices talking amongst themselves, afraid to raise their voices even now and call down the guards. The door was jammed, only open a crack. I tried to force the door open, but the ruined guide rails only creaked and refused to allow the door to budge. I heard the ponies inside gasp and back away from the door.
> "W-Who's there?!" A filly inside squeaked.
> I answered her question in a voice as softly and friendly as I could make it. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."
> The filly followed my response up with another question. "A-Are you a soldier?" The ground trembled as the engine burst open in a near blinding flash of light and in the sound of a rocket. It lasted for only a moment before the inferno calmed down into small normal fire among the heaps of black and molted metal where the engine and coal car once were. The area around the engine was scorched down to the dirt.
> Once that was over, I shifted my focus back to the filly inside the car. "No, I'm not. But I'm not your enemy, either."
> "Please help us! We don't belong here! I don't wanna go to Yakistan!" I was later joined by the other foals from the last car and a badly scorched NightSwift. Her mane was mostly gone and her fur was burned down to the skin in some places.
> "Did you see that explosion?" She coughed up some smoke. "I was a bit too close."
> "At least you're not in pieces. Does your gun still work?"
> "Yep." She motioned to the wagon. "Any survivors?"
> "I heard voices and a filly spoke with me on the other side, so I would say yes."
> "Okay, let's get 'em out." She got her gun ready, aiming at the door's hinges.
> I stepped back and called out to the ponies inside. "Everyone inside back away from the door!" I heard them scramble away from the door and NightSwift accurately fired along the door's upper frame, causing it to break and swing open. I looked inside to check and see of everyone was okay. Most of them were, but a few had bumps and bruises from when the train crashed.
> I looked over at NightSwift. "What do we do now that this robbery became a rescue mission?"
> She thought for a moment before answering. "Well, I vote we drop these kids off in Ponyville. There are lotsa good folk in Ponyville and they can help these foals a lot better than we can. THEN we can continue what we are doing."
> "Alright."
> "Okay, I can teleport two at a time. Back in a flash." And just like that, she teleported. I waited with the kids and kept them warm by the fire of the smoldered train. It was then I started to hear voices from the other gun wagons. SS soldiers. Some of them had survived the crash.
> "Shit." I turned to the foals. "I need you kids to hide and stay low, got it?" They understood and hid within the many small spaces of the train wreck. And without panicking, too. I then heard two voices talking to each other.
> "I want a report. What hit us?" An aged stallion's voice asked.
> Another stallion's voice responded, sounding more like a young adult. "Not sure. All I know is the engine blew up."
> "Mm, go find the radio and call for a recovery force." The elder asked as he looked around the wreckage. A few more soldiers crawled out of it, most were pretty badly hurt. I climbed to the top of a nearby car and, hopping from car to car, I crept towards them, making sure I don't make any sound that would draw their attention towards me. Luckily, they didn't see me. They were focused on collecting medical supplies and establishing a medical center to treat the wounded. That was when I spotted a couple of crates full of high quality healing potions.
> They were right there, just needed to get the soldiers away from them. I carefully climbed down to the ground and made myself a snowball. Then I climbed back up and threw it at a tree a little away from them. A few of the healthy soldiers noticed the sound and went to investigate, leaving four badly wounded soldiers on cots. You would think they wouldn't fall for such a basic tactic. Anyways, while they were distracted, I quickly got down and snagged two bottles of them healing potions before climbing back up. Luckily none of the soldiers spotted me and I headed back to the front of the train.
> When I got back, NightSwift had just finished teleporting all of the foals. She was looking pretty exhausted and she was panting. "Ugh…now I have the biggest headache teleporting to the same place over and over."
> I jumped down to her from the top of the train. "Then it's a good thing I grabbed two potions."
> "Oh, you are the best. I've been running on half dead."
> I tossed one of the bottles to her. "Some SS soldiers have set up a medical center further down the train. Only a few of them made it out mostly unscathed, the rest are pretty badly injured."
> "Great." She drank just enough to regrow her mane and saved the rest. "I'll take care of the more lively ones and you can finish off the vegetables." She loaded her gun with a longer magazine.
> "…Alright."
> "What?" She stowed her pistol into her holster.
> "I've never had to kill a pony, before. It just feels wrong to me, even if they may deserve it." Truth is I don't believe in a death sentence for anyone unless if they're unspeakably and utterly heartless, where they're so far gone that they can't really be changed for the better. That's when killing them off would be the best, because they couldn't be redeemed. I believed that these soldiers, at least some of them, probably didn't have much of a choice. Some probably even silently object to the things they do because of how bad they are, but they also know that questioning their leaders' authority could lead to some dire consequences, if not death. Yeah, seems naïve to think that there's a bit of good in everyone, but it was that same ideology that made me become friends with NightSwift in the first place.
> "Well…Ugh, fuck it. Let's just get what we need and go, forget the soldiers." I'm gonna be honest, I thought she was gonna try to talk me into killing them. I know, some friend I am.
> "Fine." We then walked to a freight car close by. NightSwift popped the lock, opened the wagon, and her eyes lit up on a large metal container. Like a filly discovering a special present underneath the Christmas tree.
> "Ooh ho, payday!" She dragged the container out and…started picking the lock with great care. I guessed whatever was in there was too fragile for her to just shoot the lock off. I kept an eye out while she picked the lock in case any soldiers come our way. I heard a soft click and the container opened. Inside the container's foam cutouts were six cylinder containers made of transparent glass with solid metal caps. Inside the containers were glowing orbs of magic in various colors. "Power cores. Military grade. These sell for fifty grand a piece!" She handed me one of the cores for me to look at.
> I took it from her hooves and inspected it. It was pulsing with warm magical energy in my hooves. It made me feel…twice as awesome. Like morning caffeine. "Wow."
> "Yeah, these things are really powerful and surprisingly stable."
> "No kidding."
> "This should cover a few things for a while. Danny is in good hooves. Let's pack up the camp and get outta here…Unless you wanna take all of 'em." She pointed into the boxcar at the several boxes filled with power cores stacked within.
> "There's no way we can carry all of that back home."
> "Yeah, let's just go with these and come back later if we need more."
> "Alright."
> And just like that we headed home. NightSwift ran off to cash in her loot at a market and I used the other potion to whip up some medicine for Danny.
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~
> And that was "My First Heist". Hope the story makes up for the drawings.
> Story was co-written by [billy2345]( and myself.


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