
She is a 67-year-old old goat, formerly known as Goldmari, she was originally from a community where they respected the lives of others, she and her older sister were the most exemplary of their people, and they remembered from their ancestors that they should never be tempted by the forces of darkness. One day, Ella Goldmari traveled to help other species in Equestria, she came to Ponyville, where she shared her medicinal knowledge to help critically ill ponies. Unfortunately, not all ponies viewed her with confidence and began to distrust her healing methods, due to her eccentricity. The same ponies who mistrusted her and feared her gathered to frighten and send her back to her land. When Goldmari was coming back to her village, all she found was rubbles and houses covered in embers, she found no one, least of all, her sister (whom she didn't know she successfully escaped). Furious to learn that the ponies were responsible for the death of her people, she disobeyed her ancestors and summoned the forces of darkness, and with this, her energy and agility have renewed, she gave up her vegetarian diet and began to hate all forms of life different from her and renamed herself Malacabrulla. Since then, her only condition to maintain her anti-aging status was to feed on the first creature she finds every full moon or attack her victims in their houses for the same purpose. Doom crossed his path with her, but the goat showed no fear, Doom explained her that his master felt her heart and soul of pure evil and took her to meet his army, promising to make all the ponies pay for their loss, she decided to join the evil army. Despite being part of the Steel Cross army, she is rarely in his castle.

Personality: Malacabrulla is known to be cold-hearted, due to her loss, she filled her mind and heart of hatred, she first cared about helping others, but after she became evil, she now sees for herself and didn't care about finding her sister. At hunting, she's shown to be rutheless and savage. When thinking of food, she shares her good taste for ponies with Doom, who he likes ponies to eat as well.

Birthday: August 24th

Age: 67 years old

Relatvives: Glairie (Older Sister)

Best Friends: Steel Cross, Doom (Close Friend), Nocturne Jungle, Marine Curse, Goryx, Berry Venom, Nuclear Star and Diamond Skull, Web Crusher, Oscura Fortunta, Yeth, Shattered Glory, Hoppert, Don Haramu, Twisted Circus, Blast Eric, Samandia

Worst Friends (Enemies): Fried Egg, Dancing Fan, Health Hero, Holy Medicine, Anchor Hook, Soiree Haunter, Professor Jolt, Fried Egg, Snowbelle TreeFrost, Jikan, Kenji, Cyrax, Morning Forest, Flaring Ash

House: Celestia's Parallel castle

Abilities: Strength and Speed (via her previous ritual), Medicinal Herbs Knowledge, Foresight, High Wisedom, Strong raming

Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Tublat from Disney's animated series; Tarzan.

Likes: Meat, Gold, Dark nights, Fog, Bonfires, Demonic Rituals, Dead Trees.

Dislikes: Vegetables (Former feeding), Flowers, Children, All kind of Ponies, Her Own Species Going Against Her, Daylight.


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