Nickname(s): Goldilocks, Goldi
Parents: FlutterShy and Daring Do
Sibling(s): Hidden Jewel (Brother)
Special Talent: Gardening
Body Type: Skinny, Tall
Species: Pegasus
Occupation: Canterlot City Gardener
Voice Actor: Mandy Moore — Rapunzel (Tangled: The Series)
Theme(s): Liana Flores — Softserve
Outspoken and always patient to those who need an ear, Goldi will always be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. She may be blind but she has a particularly easy way of moving around, mainly because she can see moving blobs of color. Even though she can't see very well, she won't let that stop her from getting to her dreams. Goldi has always been ambitious and has always gained her dreams.
When Fluttershy and Daring Do finally got together, with Rainbow having to push them together, they were the perfect match. So when Daring and Flutter decided to settle down and get married and start a family, they wanted to try the good ol' fashioned way with no magic involved. Fluttershy went off her estrogen to try it out which caused her to become more depressed for the way she looked more like a colt instead of the mare that she is, luckily it didn't take long before Mrs. Yearing had the news that she was pregnant with their own. Of course, they were genuinely so happy but their hopes and dreams were put to a halt when they learned that their baby was blind. Not completely but enough to know that she'll never see their faces clearly. Still, they love her with all their heart and spoil her rotten. With her baby brother being born, Goldie spoiled her shy brother just as much as her mothers did. Yes she knew it embarrassed him, but she still loved him lots. Their relationship weakened when she moved away from Ponyville, but they always kept in touch.
Goldie quickly learned about her special talent for flora and put it to use, making a beautiful garden for her mothers to come to stare in awe. Sadly, the animals usually chomped up Goldie's flowers and herb gardens rather quickly, leaving Goldie to mope about having all her beautiful flora be turned into food for her Momma's animals. When she was old enough, she signed up to be one of the public gardeners in Canterlot to keep the greenery in check and gorgeous for the Rich ponies to feast their eyes upon. Now living in Canterlot, Goldie is comfortably living with her own garden where no Animals can eat up her plants.
Name: Hidden Jewel Con Brillo Yearling-Shy
Nickname(s): Jules, Heidi, Gem
Parents: FlutterShy and Daring Do, Unknown Donor
Sibling(s): Golden Doubloon (Sister)
Special Talent: None yet
Body Type: Average
Species: Unicorn
Occupation: Student
Voice Actor: Jacob Hopkins — Gumball (TAWOG)
Theme(s): Louie Zong — Hello World
After the outcome of Goldie being blind, Daring Do and Fluttershy decided that it would be best if they just used a random donor it would be safer for their baby. So, here comes Hidden Jewel. The little darling baby of the family that everyone spoils and adores. He's always been hesitant to do new things and is always more softspoken than his older sister. You'd think he'd act more like a younger Miss Diamond Tiara, but he's a bit too humble and shy to do that, just like his momma Fluttershy taught him to. Preferring to stay indoors, Hidden Jewel finds comfort in his mother's office full of papers and writing supplies. Mama Do allows her son to look over her drafts for her upcoming books and jokes around that he's her 'test audience', but she just enjoys the fact that her son loves to read whatever she writes.
Jules becomes hot and bothered whenever he even THINKS about his cutiemark. You know how most fillies and foals his age are usually curious and excited about their cutiemark, Jules simply freaks the hell out. To his point of view, a little mark on your tushie practically dictates your entire future, so he'd rather not think about what stupid talent would show up on his flank. For now, Jules is perfectly content with being a so-called 'blank flank'.