
Story — Attack on Night Light — Episode 2 — Battle in San Francisco

Summary: In this second-part story, John Wagner, his wife, Hannah, and close friend, Walter, stay in San Francisco so that they can prepare for the next battle against the giant unicorn stallion named Night Light, who is seeking revenge on the three following what happened last time in Chicago.

In the morning in San Francisco, John, Hannah and Walter are at Antonio's house, a friend Walter has known just a few years ago. They are watching the news on TV about what has happened in Chicago last night.

"I can't believe that monstrous unicorn terrorized and destroyed my city!" John said with frustration, still upset over that Night Light was rampaging throughout his city and destroyed so much stuff.

"It's such a shame he would ever do something like this for no apparent reason." Hannah cried, knowing how much pain it is that a certain pony would show no mercy towards humans.

Walter walked and comforted Hannah, telling her, "But at least he isn't in San Francisco yet."

"I heard this unicorn is coming here at night." Antonio reminded the group, as the news mentioned that Night Light will make his attack on the city when night arrives, therefore Antonio must help out with John, Hannah and Walter and save San Francisco at all costs.

"Don't worry, I have the ray gun that isn't gonna kill him, but rather have being kept unconscious for a while." John told Walter, as he was not leaving without a weapon with him, otherwise he would have been wide open to the giant unicorn's attacks.

"Anyways, what is the stallion's name" Antonio asked, noticing the news did not mention the unicorn's name on the screen.

Before John could even say anything, Walter took the answer, responding, "His name is Night Light. He is a unicorn with evil presence inside his heart, meaning he would destroy anyone and anything without remorse, and he's definitely a pony that is completely a threat towards earth and humanity. No amount can do any good when he just rampages throughout anywhere around the world."

"That's quite shocking he doesn't care for anyone, anything, except himself." Antonio said, understanding how hurtful is when a stallion like Night Light goes straight for the dark side, they show the opposite behavior and do nothing but destroy things when becoming a giant.

Antonio turned off the TV, as he felt like they should drop the topic and wait until later to talk about it again.

"We should forget about this pony and do other things." Antonio said, as he was now feeling hungry for lunch. However, when he checked the time on his phone, it was eleven o'clock, and he believed they should just wait in the next hour or so for lunch.

"Understood." Hannah agreed, as she and the three men sat down on a couch, while waiting for afternoon to arrive.

One hour later, the four humans have been sitting down doing nothing this whole and Antonio told his friends, "Let's go eat lunch!"

"I'm ready for some burgers and fries!" John suggested, as he really loves both, which his wife and his two friends also agreed with anyway and they head outside and go in Antonio's car, where they plan on going to Burger King.

"This is gonna be exciting!" Hannah said, as she hasn't been visiting a Burger King in a while.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, the city was under attack from the same unicorn who destroyed Chicago. Night Light was still a giant, and he just continued his endless fun, destroying buildings and eliminating humans.

"This is so much fun, where I just like crushing everyone and everything like dirt." Night Light said, as he fired a magic blast at one buildings, leaving any humans in that humans completely gone, and kept on going, stomping his hooves loudly, and crushed vehicles and objects underneath his hooves.

People has continued screaming and fleeing from the giant unicorn stallion that has been terrorizing California, beginning with Los Angeles, which he entered a couple minutes ago.

"Stay away! Stay away!" shouted one woman with curly brunette hair and wearing a white polka-dot dress while holding her husband's hand. She knew she was feeling fear inside her, but she must use whatever strength she has in her as an attempt to save her life.

"Oh, like you pathetic little humans could stop me." Night Light told the married couple, as they stood in his way, which he doesn't like seeing anyway.

"Leave my city alone!" The wife's husband said, charging towards the giant unicorn stallion with his fist ready for a fight and let out a straight punch on the hooves, but it did exactly nothing as Night Light considered this attack with just one punch being pathetic.

Night Light levitated the wife's husband towards him, as the man's wife watched in horror over him being taken into the air.

"Let my husband go, you big brute!" The wife yelled and rushed at Night Light, only for him to levitate her, too, leaving both the wife and husband in so much trouble with a huge stallion like him, who was very cruel towards anything and anyone.

"Nothing you tinies do can stop me from destroying this city!" Night Light as he put the two humans under a sleeping spell, which prevents the two from interfering with his plans. Afterwards, Night Light dropped the unconscious couple onto the ground, knowing they wouldn't be getting in his way despite several humans must be crushed.

Just when Night Light thought he could finally enjoy himself destroying Los Angeles as much as he would please, however, the LAPD and military officers have stood in his way, firing blasts at him, both in front and behind him, through tanks, helicopters and cars.

"Stay sharp, officers! This monster has been terrorizing the citizens in this city." Officer Hernandez reminded his fellow officers, as they must defend themselves and hold off the giant unicorn stallion for as long as possible, giving the citizens a free chance to escape.

"Quick, release the net!" shouted another officer named Parks, as he and one other military officer in the helicopter dropped the net, landing on Night Light, which made him fall to the ground.

Believing Night Light is down, the LAPD and military officers looked happy and would let the people know that Night Light is defeated, or as it seems like it.

"Everyone, the giant unicorn is defeated, and we captured him!" Officer Hernandez told the citizens, as he and his fellow friends took down the giant monster without any problems. "However, you may all cheer since he can't get up now."

The citizens cheer along with the officers, seeing that Los Angeles is finally safe from anymore destruction. But as they continued celebrating victory, they didn't realize Night Light had magic and the net on him was thrown off of him, getting back up on his four hooves, looking really angry.

"I'm gonna make you officers suffer!" Night Light said with frustration, now promising the officers they are in for the most punishment they will receive from him.

"Guys, we must not run, we must fight back and defend the city!" Officer Hernandez told his fellow officers, as it was the time they fight back and keep saving Los Angeles from Night Light's rampage.

"How about I do this?" Night Light asked the officers, levitating all the guns they had with them and they are broken into bits, leaving the officers completely shocked and terrified.

The officers tried to run away, but Night Light's magic caught them, and brought them towards him, threatening to hurt them without any mercy.

"There's no saving this city anymore!" Night Light said with an evil look on his face, and destroyed the officers one at a time, leaving the citizens hopeless as they couldn't do anything but watch in horror as he was still not finished with his havoc on the city.

Night Light once again commenced his walk, destroying more humans while running away from him, and destroyed more buildings, including some behind him and more on the way.

Back in San Francisco, John, Hannah, Walter, and Antonio have got back from Burger King with the food they ordered, and they couldn't wait eating lunch in the kitchen together, unaware what's next on the news is not a pretty one being heard on the television.

"An All-You-Can-Eat Fries, Burgers, and Chicken Tenders for lunch!" Antonio said, feeling so happy that he and his friends are having Burger King for lunch, as he was sitting at one table in his kitchen with Walter, the one with brown hair, and John and Hannah, both blondes, sitting with each other at another table in the same kitchen.

"Looks like we can hope that today's gonna be a good day. Hannah clapped with happiness, as she was eager that she doesn't have worry about the macro-sized unicorn that was causing destruction in her hometown the other day.

"Now, we gotta see what news we are gonna he hearing on TV." John told his group, grabbing the TV remote while sipping on his drink.

When the TV turned on, they unexpectedly noticed that it was already breaking news appearing on the screen, and John, Hannah, Walter and Antonio looked confused what was going to be shown on the TV Screen.

The female news reporter on the TV begins her speech saying, "Good afternoon, everyone. This is Michelle Kiss, reporting live, and we have just received news that there was a huge stallion known as Night Light rampaging in Los Angeles earlier just minutes ago, and we have suspected that the officers have been involved in this case, doing the best they could saving the citizens from this monster."

"Oh no, not this again…" Walter groaned, rolling his eyes back and forth as he was seeing the giant stallion on the news again.

Back on TV, Michelle added, "Police and the military officers have had a tough battle with the stallion, but he was too much for them to handle. We also received reports that over 100 have been dead and over 318 other people are missing at the moment. It is confirmed that this stallion will be arriving in San Francisco around night. If you have any idea on where the survivors and missing people, please file a report. This is Michelle Kiss, signing off."

Then, John shut the TV down, and looked at his group with an upset look on his face. "Something isn't right." He said, knowing something was wrong.

"What is it?" Antonio asked John, wondering what has gone wrong this time.

"We should've blocked that stallion from entering this whole state!" John said, banging his fist on the couch, as he knew that the portal wasn't disabled and that it actually allowed Night Light into California, beginning with Los Angeles.

"Man, we really have another threat coming huge." Antonio replied walking with his arms crossed, also upset as John, Hannah and Walter are over what's happening in California.

"We have had this threat before in Chicago, the city where we lived." Hannah told Antonio, as she, John and Walter previously encountered Night Light just last night, and for Antonio, however, he has apparently never met Night Light, and this is not happening until later when Night Light makes his arrival at night, the time where he strikes.

The others have been what they can do that may help them the battle against the all-powerful destructive unicorn from terrifying the entire California, from city through city, no matter where Night Light goes, there's no stopping point.

"Hey, I have an idea!" John suggested, coming up with an idea he believes can succeed once and for all.

"Like what?" Walter asked John, curious what idea John is bringing up.

John explained himself to the others, saying, "When Night Light arrives, we're gonna be splitting up so things can be a bit more easier. Walter, you go with my wife and wait for us at the Transamerica Pyramid. Me and Antonio are staying in this house and write some stuff down and see what can be done right."

Walter and Hannah took the advice and John let his wife have a hold onto his key so she can drive his car, although John's ray gun was not in the car, since John kept it in the house the whole time with him when they arrived at Antonio's house earlier that day.

"I sure hope my husband's plan works." Hannah told Walter, as she did not wanted anything getting messed up in the up as she was paired with Walter for a reason, most likely so that they can save time later on.

"Don't worry, this plan is not gonna end in failure!" Walter comforted Hannah, who was feeling almost disappointed and sad that the plan may result in something messed up.

Hannah started the car, and they drove their way towards the TransAmerica Pyramid, hoping they will be safe and keep an eye out for Night Light.

Back with John and Antonio at the latter's house, they begin writing things down on a lined paper about what they should come up in order to defeat the giant unicorn stallion when he makes his way in San Francisco at night.

"Come on, let us start writing some more things down." Antonio told John, as they did not had any time wasting on the objective they are currently focusing on, having only three things written down.

"I'm on it!" John replied, as he was thinking what the fourth one should be written next on the paper.

So far, the first thing on the list was: "Distract the stallion while he isn't looking." Next, the second thing John and Antonio wrote was, "Stay behind the stallion as long as possible." And lastly, the third thing written down was, "Avoid getting caught."

"Have you figured what the next one is?" Antonio asked John, who was still struggling, until he finally let out answer, "Yes, I've finally come up with one!"

Now, John writes down the fourth and possibly the last thing on the paper, "Shrink down the enormous stallion from far away."

The time was 1:37 and John and Antonio decided they should just wait until Night Light arrives later at nighttime, which is where he is seeking revenge on John, his wife Hannah, and his friend Walter. Four hours and twenty-three minutes later, Antonio and John have been sitting on the couch doing nothing and have been silent the whole time. However, they heard a knock on the door, in which Antonio walked towards the door and see who it was.

"Oh, hello." Antonio said, which was actually his next-door neighbor on the left, Taylor Delong. She is a 30 year-old black-haired woman with blue eyes, wearing a pink jacket, a yellow shirt filled with pink stripes, a long purple skirt, and red ruby slippers.

"Good evening, Antonio." Taylor responded, who speaks with a western accent. The reason she was visiting him is because she wanted him to come over at her house, unaware about the current problem coming up.

"Would you mind visiting me at my house for a while?" Taylor asked Antonio, looking forward that they spend time together at her house. "I have made some delicious cookies for you!"

"I wish we could, but.." Antonio replied nervously, putting his right arm behind his head, which left Taylor confused and wondering why he is like that?

Taylor asked Antonio, "Is something wrong? What's the matter?"

"You see, me and my friend, John, who is from Chicago, are facing danger that is happening in about almost two hours from now." Antonio told Taylor, reminding her that Night Light would arrive in San Francisco at about eight o'clock and the current time right was 6:02.

"The problem we are currently in right now is that this giant unicorn stallion named Night Light has been rampaging and destroying Chicago last night and today, he has been causing terror in Los Angeles and more cities after that." John added, telling Taylor the whole story that he, Hannah and Walter have been facing, and they even told Antonio the same situation earlier when they first met him.

"Have you watched the news about what we just told you?" Antonio asked Taylor, just making sure she was watching what was on the news earlier in the afternoon.

"Yes, I remember." Taylor replied, as she actually listened to what was heard on the news about Night Light destroying Los Angeles and some other cites, same way John, Hannah, Walter and Antonio have seen earlier.

Knowing what John and Antonio are telling her, Taylor took the men's words, stepping inside Antonio's house and shut the door behind her. "Am I gonna be safe with you both in this house?" She asked, believing Night Light might see them from the window when he approaches.

"As long as you don't get caught, then you'll be safe." Antonio told Taylor, giving her the safety tip on what she should do so that she doesn't end up in danger.

"However, we should be careful where in San Francisco that Night Light may attack." John warned Antonio and Taylor, not knowing that a giant unicorn can make a devastating attack from anywhere within a city.

"It's best that she stays in my house so that she doesn't get hurt." Antonio told John, suggesting that Taylor does not get involved with the problem they are struggling with right now despite Taylor herself wishing she helps out, too.

Taylor looked a little bit gloomy on her face, feeling like she can't help out. She eventually made her speech, claiming, "I can fight with you, boys. I have strength inside me, just like you both do. Either I help you and return the victory we have lost from this monstrous unicorn, or I stay here and hear the bad news."

"She does… have a point." John said, agreeing with the words Taylor was saying, which somehow makes sense.

Antonio thought about it for a brief second, but he finally also agreed, saying, "If she's gonna help us, she must stay behind us for the entire battle! That is the only way we keep our friends safe and sound as always and should be like that for every battle!"

"Now, we gotta wait for that stallion enter this place and we are gonna be ready for the next fight against that large and powerful unicorn." John said, having his fists ready for the fight against Night Light.

"In the meantime, we should just sit and do exactly nothing." Antonio said, sitting on the same couch he was on earlier, hoping he's in ready in time for the battle against Night Light.

Two minutes before Night Light arrived, the clock was 7:58, and at the Transamerica Pyramid building, where Walter and Hannah are on the 48th floor with people who work on that floor, letting them know that danger is just around the corner.

"Everyone, listen carefully." Hannah told he co-workers and also the boss, making a very important announcement loud and clear so that they can understood her voice. "We have a giant unicorn coming into this city in just almost a minute from now, and we need you all leaving this building at the time he comes. We need everyone safe and not left behind!"

Understanding Hannah's words and also her warning, the co-workers and also the boss stopped what they have been doing and leave the building, as they followed behind her and Walter, taking the staircase, which would take a long way down to the very first floor, avoiding the elevator.

Elsewhere, Night Light has just arrived in San Francisco, resuming his destruction and cause even more terror in this city as well, making the humans be afraid of him yet again.

"Another city, another time that I carry out my plan and show this city what it means feeling my anger and bringing chaos upon this pathetic, tiny city." Night Light said, commencing his walk and begins firing his magic at buildings, eliminating more people who are inside the buildings Night Light has destroyed during the same time he was stomping on cars underneath his hooves loudly, and not even feeling guilty about it.

"Unicorn attack!" shouted one man with a yellow shirt with light green stripes and blue jeans, pointing his finger at the giant-sized Night light, who was approaching his way towards the city even further, hoping he can erase more humans along the way.

Citizens kept running away from Night Light as he looked ready for destruction towards both San Francisco and the citizens right along with it.

"It doesn't matter how much you tinies believe escaping from me can do, I'm still gonna destroy not just you little humans, but also this entire city!" Night Light said with an evil laugh, promising the humans that they and San Francisco are gonna be crushed and be history for good.

"Why are you so cruel and ruthless towards all the people?" asked one unidentified woman with blonde straight hair, red long sleeves and green skirt, who was wondering why Night Light is not having any interest in the tinies. "Please, let us be. We did nothing wrong."

"As I said before, you low-life earthlings don't deserve any chances to live." Night Light said, still not letting a single human get away with staying alive and survive his chaos against San Francisco. "When I destroy everything and everyone in this small city, there'll be nothing left except a city in ruins and so many humans gone and have vanished from my terror!"

The humans felt so hurtful over the words Night Light is saying towards them, but he really cares about himself and what matters the most, in his opinion, would be eliminating every single human in the city and destroying every building he sees as much as he please.

"Stop, just stop!" another unidentified woman begged Night Light, as she wants him to stop the terror he's been causing for two days, two nights straight. "Just leave us alone!"

Night Light, getting annoyed with the tinies' poor choices, started using his magic and fire a home, destroying it just for fun, and all he does is rampage through city and harm the citizens and destroy buildings, vehicles and everything else. He eventually let out a roar, resulting in more buildings receiving windows shattered, and people could not ignore his roar that sounds like the one coming from a classic giant monster.

"What was that?" John asked Taylor and Antonio, knowing where the sound was coming from. "Is that who we think it is?"

Following John's questions, Taylor looked out and saw several people fleeing from Night Light as he stomped his way through the streets, crushing vehicles and destroy more buildings with people inside around Antonio's neighborhood.

"Guys, look outside!" Taylor told the two men, as they eventually looked out, watching the giant unicorn monster continue causing havoc.

"Great, he's back!" Antonio said, as it was time for the battle to begin once again.

"Looks like we better get moving and go after him, otherwise San Francisco's no more!" John told his fellow friends, carrying out his ray gun so that his plan can succeed, just like he plans on doing.

John opened the door and ran out the house, with Antonio and Taylor following after him, knowing that the only objective they have right now is: Stop Night Light from destroying San Francisco. At the same time, the San Francisco Police Department office are chasing Night Light from both behind and front, and so are helicopters, which had the military officers inside them.

The police and military officers have cornered Night Light on the street, suggesting he puts his hooves up and surrenders, but Night Light refused, thus allowing the officers to shoot directly at him.

"This giant stallion's gonna be too hard to take down." said Officer Rodarte, as he and the others could only defeat Night Light when they work together as a team.

"Don't let yourselves down!" Officer Saldana reminded his fellow officers, as they could not back down from the battle against Night Light, a more cruel and stallion than he was before. "We all gotta take him down as a team! Come on!"

Despite the officers still firing bullets at Night Light, he started levitating the guns from a few officers, and then dropped them onto the ground, which he stepped on in the process.

"I will never be defeated as long as I'm huge!" Night Light said with an evil laugh, as he was enjoying the terror and destruction he's been causing for two nights straight, and has been so happy with harming humans in San Francisco, and the cities before that.

John, Antonio and Taylor have been watching from behind a police car to avoid being caught.

"If we don't do something, we may not win." Taylor told the two men, as the three just watching the battle between the officers and a giant-sized Night Light was not a good choice.

"Don't worry, I got just what I need that can shut this stallion down!" John said, as he pulled out his ray gun, making sure he targets Night Light the right way without any problems.

John, now standing in front from one of the police cars behind him, pressed the button on his ray gun, and fired it at Night Light while he wasn't looking. When it hit Night Light, this resulted in him being knocked out and began falling onto the ground, with the police officers moving away as quick as they could.

"Wh-who was that?" Officer Saldana questioned, wondering who was that helping out the officers from nearby.

"It was me who shot the monster." John said to the police, as he walked forward as he had no chance but to help the police, otherwise the battle would been longer.

"Hmm, I had no idea a citizen like you from this city would be helping save the day and fight back for the freedom!" Officer Saldana told John as he noticed the latter had a kind heart and would do anything saving the people at all costs as long as friends are on his side.

"Actually, I come from Chicago, along with my wife and my friend Walter." John corrected, as he was a resident from Illinois, but he ended up staying in San Francisco following the terror Night Light has caused.

Suddenly, Hannah and Walter have pulled up while inside John's car, the former honking at her husband letting him know that she came only a bit late.

"My wife has arrived." John told the police, as he walked back and meet his fellow two residents also from Chicago while he waved goodbye at them, and they praised him for helping out with the fight against Night Light.

However, John hugged Antonio and Taylor as farewell, wishing he would see them again some time in the future, knowing that there's hope inside every human in San Francisco.

"I can't believe you stopped the giant unicorn." Hannah told John as she heard what happened while she wasn't close. "You have shot the unicorn with the ray gun, just like how you planned from the beginning, and if it wasn't for you, we might not have won the war that's been happening two nights straight."

"I know, but my plan just turned out right." John replied, hugging his wife as it was all that he had so that things could work out right.

Walter eventually snapped his finger, creating a portal yet again which would take the three back into Chicago, where they are from anyway.

When the three entered Chicago, they found the workers repairing buildings that weren't fully destroyed last night. Meanwhile, citizens have been praying that Chicago returns at full hope and see the bright side once again.

"The nightmare is finally over." Walter said happily, with Night Light defeated and that things have been over, although the damage caused in both Chicago and San Francisco are currently still being repaired and it may take months or years for every building being repaired, which is not such an easy task.

"If we ever see another giant pony attacking any city, we better be ready because another battle may occur." John told his wife and Walter, as he realized that the battle against the next giant pony, no matter how many would appear, can still be difficult.

The three continued driving through the streets in Chicago, returning home at John and Hannah's house. And so on, John and Hannah remained a married couple with one daughter, and still having a close touch with their friend Walter.

The end…
safe2472893 artist:cheezedoodle961320 edit196038 editor:jaredking779538 imported from derpibooru3636213 night light3466 pony1662811 unicorn585817 attack on pony168 california153 frog (hoof)22115 giant pony7227 giant unicorn517 highrise ponies1194 irl88406 looking at you300210 macro18407 male586101 mega giant998 photo107358 ponies in real life7749 raised hoof77192 san francisco91 smiling446333 solo1586303 stallion203301 story included13853 underhoof77265


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