
Originally posted on: March 20, 2020 at 1:54 AM UTC
> Melon Cogwheel and Cyan Streaks
> After a couple of years of not being used, I finally revived my next two oldest characters on DA: Melon Sundae and Cyan Leaf, now known as Melon Cogwheel and Cyan Streaks!
> Bio:
> Melon Cogwheel was born into a wealthy family that owned Manehatten Logistics, a successful tech company located in No-Reach that specialized in advanced arcane technology. Because of this, he had spent most of his life sheltered within the city and the company. He was naturally gifted in the art of robotics, as was to be expected of the Cogwheel family. By the time he reached 18, he was expected to take his father’s place as CEO.
> This was when he discovered the horrors behind the company’s practices. Because the company prioritized technological advancement above all else, mistreatment, injury, and even death of employees were very common with little being done about it. Once he made the discovery, he quarreled with his father that night about changing the company’s policy to promote the safety of employees over the advancement of technology. When his father refused and insisted he keep it that way if he were to keep Manehatten Logistics successful, he snuck out of the city and planned to start his own company.
> He made his way to Baltimare and built his new company from the ground up, earning funds through selling his inventions to interested buyers. While he established what would later be named “Securitec,” he met Cyan Streaks and the two would become very close friends. To this day, Securitec remains to be one of the most successful competitors to Manehatten Logistics, specializing in civil and national armaments. After the war had ended, the company now sells robotic maids and companions.
> Melon is a noble gentleman and a smooth-talker, willing to use his silver tongue to get whatever he wishes while also doing what he feels is best for those around him. He tends to stay calm and collected in any situation, even under an otherwise stressful or dangerous situation. However, he will not hesitate to use his magic on you if you dare threaten him or his company and everyone within it. He’s cunning and charismatic, which often makes others think twice before trying anything against him.
> Cyan Streaks was adopted and raised by a gang of marksmen in Baltimare. Nobody knows who Cyan’s parents are or how she ended up in the care of the marksmen in the first place, but what everyone knows is that you never mess with any of them. They make a living selling homemade firearms and protecting the streets of Baltimare using their intimidation and deadly aim, including Cyan herself. When the original leader of the gang passed away, Cyan was appointed the new leader.
> Because she was raised by marksmen, Cyan grew to become an expert shooter, especially with small handguns like her trusted 1940 Colt pistol. That, combined with her swift flying, made her one of the deadliest members of the gang. However, at some point in her teens, she got a little too over her head when dealing with law enforcement. The confrontation ended with her arrested and whipped before she was bailed out by protesting citizens.
> She eventually met Melon and the two became very close. She worked for him by helping with weapon design and “other” favors. In exchange, Melon would mark her and her gang as official guards for his company. Today, the gang continues to patrol the streets of Baltimare, only this time the police would stay off their backs.
> Cyan is a good person at heart, but she has a fair share of bad habits inherited from her gang: she tends to pick fights with anyone that does even the slightest thing to set her off, she uses intimidation and persuasion to get what she wants, and gets drunk a lot. Despite this, she still cares for the city and its inhabitants, and would do anything to protect them.


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