> Celena Bio
> Celena is the oldest child of dark Diamond and sky Flower. She knows she was created by magic but she doesn't care. She is alive and Ready to live! Despite her dark Colors and her more elgant Name she's a super energetic unicorn who wants to have adventures and make many Friends. She's kinda like pinkie pie so you have a better oicture of her. Celena grew up in the Everfree forest together with her Little sister Dusk Shine, her parents and her aunt Sarah. She was never allowed to go far away from home and because of that she never found out what her Special Talent is. Like with everything else, she doesn't really mind. Celena is eager to see the world, meet other Ponys and make Friends. Her magic is.. not the best. She never had a use for it. Her Father never taght her or her sister how to teleport or other cool spells, because he was afrauid they would leave home. Celena doesn't know exacly how friendship wors, but she wants to try it out. She somehow heart of the School of friendship and now she is begging her parents if she and dusk can go there to learn About friendship
> base Right by Manart
> base left by [https://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Filly-Starlight-Glimmer-Base-604801862](https://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Filly-Starlight-Glimmer-Base-604801862)[www.deviantart.com/selenaede/a…](https://www.deviantart.com/selenaede/art/Filly-Starlight-Glimmer-Base-604801862)
> celena belongs to me
> mlp belons to Hasbro and lauren faust