> 8th Oct 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> Sometimes a villain showing up all cordial and hospitable is just plain fun. "Sure, we're mortal enemies fighting for the fate of the world, but that doesn't mean we can't be professional about it."
> Notice: Guest comic submissions are open! Guidelines [here](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602). Deadline: January 27th, 2023.
> DM: So it's only a matter of time before Discord and Tirek's grand entrance. What are you all doing until then?
> Fluttershy: I think we'll just be helping out with the evacuation of the town, which should take a while. NOw that they're not trapped here with Discord, everypony should have a chance to escape.
> Applejack: Plus, no civilians means no "refills" for Tirek.
> Rainbow Dash: Didn't we put the Mayor on the evacuation job? Isn't that kind of beneath us?
> Fluttershy: Yes, but these things require people and time…
> Discord: Time that you have just run out of, I'm afraid.
> Rainbow Dash: Oh shoot, we talked right into it.
> DM: Is Discord just… there now?
> Discord GM: Indeed!
> DM: So much for a "grand entrance"…
> Discord GM: Expect the unexpected!
> Discord: Cucumber sandwiches, anyone? I'm sure you all have been working so hard lately.
> Fluttershy: \That DOES sound refreshing…\
> Pinkie Pie: Fluttershy, NO!!! Resist their siren call!