> There is a great artist and Youtuber I've been following for a while called Scootaloo Loves Sans! Many Sans fangirls tend to act very rude and immature at times, but Scootaloo is very kind to others and supportive of other Sans fangirls! She really inspires me! 
> If you want to check out her content out, her YouTube channel is at [www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGge…](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGgegHvwEbGwcbMHSvF7TA) and her DeviantArt account is synnibear03 [www.deviantart.com/synnibear03](https://www.deviantart.com/synnibear03)
> Scootaloo is owned by Hasbro
> Outfit design is owned by synnibear03