> Been a minute since I've done ship post. I really liked the idea of some of the fillies and colts of the Ponyville schoolhouse getting together in their later lives and having careers. In this case, I ship Silver Spoon and Snails. I think it's interesting because it's kind of unlikely. Silver Spoon appears to come from a privileged lifestyle like Diamond Tiara, while Snails' is more "Go with the flow." It's an acquired taste for a ship. Additionally, I ship Diamond Tiara and Snips for nearly the same reason.
> The things that I wanted to define the most were their careers. One thing that I noticed between those aforementioned four is that each of their cutiemarks corresponds directly to their names rather than giving a clear indication of what their talents are. We do learn at some point what Diamond Tiara's cutiemark actually means, but for the others, it's still left rather vague. So I came up with something that I thought made sense. Silver Spoon is a chef who runs a successful bistro in town, while Snails is a gardener who likes to grow fresh produce for that bistro. The two are married and run the business together.
> That's the gist of it. I kind of love the idea of these two. I know most people prefer Snails and Twist since they have similar body shapes, but I prefer this.