
One day, Edward and his friends walked to the pub to meet Elizabeth; she welcomed them warmly.

During the night, she helped her co-workers clean the pub. Even though there were still a few customers, she reserved a table by the window for them.

They were all pleased and proceeded to sit down.

Edward was happy to see Elizabeth again, and Elizabeth felt the same way.

Everyone sat down, and Edward's friends introduced themselves.

Elizabeth introduced herself back. They talked for a while then a waiter came to take their order.

Once he had taken their orders, he left.

They explained that she would see Henry tomorrow since he was busy.

They continued their conversation.

Elizabeth, Edward has told us so much about you. How have you been? Says Adam excitedly.

I'm doing well. Said Elizabeth. I enjoy my time with Edward; we have had a great time reading, talking and having lunch. He even helped me plant flowers.

From what I saw, they are starting to grow.

Oh, that's wonderful, said Edward.

I agree. Replied Adam

I know it may seem odd for flowers to grow in winter, but with appropriate care, this is possible. Said Elizabeth.

As the food arrived, everybody commented on the food Explaining, how good it smelled and looked delicious.

It was a great savoury pie and smelled as if there were all kinds of vegetables in it and a tasty salad on the side.

They all started to eat and carry on their conversations.*

Elizabeth? Said Margaret, Matthew's mother.

Do you know; what are the most suitable flowers I could plant for the house, once spring comes?

I want to plant something near the windows.

Hmm, Elizabeth thought. It could be any flower, maybe petunias, roses, or calibrachoa. It depends on what you want and what the plant needs.

Thank you, Elizabeth. I'll be sure to keep that in mind once spring arrives.

You are welcome. Said Elizabeth.

Edward called Thomas.*

Yes? Replied Edward.

I want to tell you; that before Matthew and Adam left to get Matthew's mother, he walked by a park somewhere in town. He said it looked relaxing too.

I wanted to tell you because I thought it sounded like a terrific place. said, Thomas

*Was it the same park you, Erik, or Dracula said you'd all been to before?
Asked Edward.*

Yes, we'd visited there before; there is even a lake. replied Thomas

*Oh, how was it?
Asked, Edward with interest.*

It was large. We had to walk over a bridge to get to the other side; it was quicker than walking around the lake. Explained Thomas

Maybe I should go there one day. Thought, Edward out loud.

Yes, by the way, it looks, it's an enjoyable place to relax and unwind.

Edward nodded; it must have been. Said, Edward.

I'm glad Edward is happy, said Griffin.*

I agree, and Henry as well. Do you think Edward likes Elizabeth? Ask Adam.

I don't know. Replied Matthew. Yet they do seem to like each other. Said, Matthew.

Maybe it could lead somewhere.

This town is also pleasant, with Lots of shops and I'm glad we could find jobs and shops to support ourselves. Said Adam.

*I agree with Griffin. I'm glad to be here.

Dracula looked at the space in front of him. Knowing he was a vampire, he could only drink blood. Dracula, however, was preoccupied with other things.

What's wrong? Ask Erik.

I have a lot on my mind. Said Dracula.

What happened? Questioned, Erik.

Dracula whispered so no pony else could hear.

Well, the other day, I was invited to the mansion in the town near here.

Where the other vampires go and meet, and the vampires find out that the other creatures they encounter are friendly.

They told me we needed some way to communicate with one another.

Why? Ask Erik.

We need to have contact with the creatures that live all over Equestria.

Among these creatures are the wolf pony packs, witches who dwell in the woods, and mummies and swamp ponies who live in an abandoned town. They are fixing it up.

I know they told me they are friendly though I'm unsure if they would see me as worthy.

I don't know their customs or history; how can I earn their respect and the respect of their leaders if I never truly know their way of living or existence?

Erik saw that Dracula was concerned, and he went on to say to the future king.

Dracula, you had shown admirable leadership when we travelled together; you have the confidence that helped Thomas and me through the journey.

Once you meet the leaders, you will show everyone you can be a king worthy of respect.

Dracula smiled a bit.

Thank you, Erik. Said Dracula

You are welcome. Replied Erik, smiling as well.

*They all continued talking and eating until it was time to go home.

Thank you, Elizabeth. We had such a great time here. Said Dracula.

I'm glad you did, replied Elizabeth.

They all said farewell to Elizabeth; Edward stayed behind to tell Elizabeth about tomorrow.

Is it all right that Henry will meet you tomorrow, here in the afternoon?

Why yes, when do you think he will have the time?

How about before he goes to work, around twelve o 'clock?

That sounds good; will you still come and visit?

Edward smiled and said yes, I will, around five, like always.

Elizabeth nodded; all right, Edward, I'll see you and henry tomorrow then?

Yes, replied Edward

Goodbye Edward.

Said Elizabeth as she waved to Edward, walking to the door.

He opened the door, waved back and left.

*Edward's feelings towards Elizabeth grew even more, and his hope slowly grew into confidence.
end of page 5*

ok so here is my idea

vectors used

ok so there is not much to say, (Hyde's feelings for Elizabeth are growing and his thought of her being the one grew too but hyde still does not know but he is hopeful, you'll see if they get together,) is just the characters having a conversation but i will say two things, one of them being important for the future

also, i know Jekyll is in a way with Hyde and the others but they can't tell Elizabeth at the moment, they have no choice, you get why but i won't say anymore because of spoilers so I'm going it keep quiet about the topic for now

what does Matthew's mom think of Elizabeth:

i say she likes her, ignoring her job she sees her as a nice mare and knowing what happened to her, she understands

what was Dracula feeling?

i know Dracula is a very strong and capable leader but my idea is that he is unsure about these creatures he does not know

both not knowing personally and not really knowing their culture (wolf ponies) or knowing they ever existed (mummies and swamp ponies)

and knowing that someday he will meet them one day he feels a bit uneasy, worrying that he might be unworthy since he knows he has to prove himself to the leaders as well

what I'm intending that Dracula won't be above the leaders but equal to them or you know work together in case they need advice

i don't want to make Dracula weak but eventually, he has to come across conflicts so his eventual um…becoming king moment (idk how to call it) will be more exciting

well i hope you'll like it; next page Elizabeth will meet Jekyll and Hyde has an idea for a hearth's warming present for Elizabeth



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