A weird virus appeared in a city. It was making their carrier lose some intellect and have a big thrust for anycreature’s lower limbs (hind hooves mainly). The infected wanted to lick, touch and tickle their victim’s soles. A part of city was blocked with the infected. Some of creatures had immunity to this virus, but that wasn’t enough to make a cure and vaccine. Silver, as one creature with the immunity, volunteered to visit the closed infected zone to gather some left medical equipment with examples and important information. He had to work alone in this mission. The earth pony did a loophole in closed doors and could successfully reach the abandoned laboratory to take the required stuff into his bag without being noticed. But on the road back the stallion by chance dropped an empty rack, what created a loud noise. That attracted many infected creatures, who chased the grey earth pony. Silver might to reach his loophole and carry his bag on another side. But he was caught in the moment of crawling on another side. More precisely his hooves were caught. The infected creatures instantly began to toy with his hind hooves after unwrapping them from the hoofwear… Who knows, how much time Silver is going to spend with such big attention to his hind hooves, before he will be saved or not…
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