
The foal’s opal-white coat all but glowed in the purple dark of the night, and she toddled and bounced at her mother’s side. The mare walked slow, ambling about the open meadow to allow her foal ample time to take in her new and exciting surroundings.

“Come here my sweet.” said the mare “Stay where I can see you.”

The little foal bounced over, her short and tufty mane of sky blue flopped over her face. The foal leaned up against the mare’s broad and warm side and smiled up at her mother. The mare looked down at her foal and smiled back, her own mane of soft pink framing her face.

“Aren't you just the sweetest thing.” said the mare “And so pretty, like the sky on a spring day. I think I shall call you Celestia.”

Baby Tia and her mama, who i based off the G1 toy Sundance . Celestia's youth follows a similar narrative of the story of Bambi, where she looses her mother as a young teen, and grows up to save her people from doom. Tia has little memory of her youth, but the memories of her mother stand out the most. The summer sun celebration falls on the summer solstice, but this also happens to be her mother's birthday, and is how Tia commemorates her mother after all these hundreds of years after Sundance's death.


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