> 8th Nov 2022, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> You ever have a better idea for a line hit you on a 1 AM re-read?
> More than I'd like to admit, but also in this case too. (Rainbow's line in panel 5.)
> Notice: Guest comic submissions are open! Guidelines [here.](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/blogarchive/18602) Deadline: January 27th, 2023.
> DM: <ahem> Now where were we…? Ah, right. Twilight Sparkle at the Castle of the Two Sisters.
> Twilight Sparkle: Still with no idea what I'm doing here. Did Spike at least send a message to me about Tirek's attack?
> DM: …Whoops. I was so busy playing Tirek I kind of forgot about Spike. Would it be believable if Spike didn't get the chance to pen a scroll because it all went down so fast?
> Twilight Sparkle: I guess so. It was a very slapdash plan anyway, so part of it going wrong is \very\ believable.
> Rainbow Dash: Wait, \who's\ slapping me?
> Discord: You know, none of you have mentioned what your grand plan actually IS.
> Twilight Sparkle: Defeat Tirek with the power of friendship, mostly.
> Discord: Well, hallelujah.