I can't believe in the first draft they were only going to interact after Applejack caught Hol singing a line from "Just my Imagination" and the comic ending with Boingo being like "My work is done".
But then I took a break from it, came back and did some redrafting, chucked out the old bonus ending, and loved the final result a lot more!
I joke to my friends that when it comes to comic making I have two sides: The jimmy rustler and the romantic.
It's a bit obvious who won this round~ 
You can read the full comic on my blog [here](https://www.tumblr.com/thetalkingwave/704756943663874048/out-of-tune-first-second-previous-songs?source=share&_branch_match_id=1138579075030518634&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAAwXB0Q2AIAwFwIlK%2FTRug1iFIBTpQ43TexeBZguzh8Mo69ld0MKIAn%2FmVI%2FH38I6QLoTRhXaUzeQSdC6UetyJx1GpvUwnvI3x3KF9Or0A6KH24hZAAAA) or this subreddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomejojo/comments/zwwp4j/out_of_tune_mlp_crossover_comic_oc/)!