Originally posted on: December 10, 2021 at 4:43 AM UTC
> What If..?
> What If Luna Had to banish Her older Sister?
> For whatever reason she became Daybreaker and the only way to keep Equestria Safe was to use the elements of harmony.
> Luna had no choice but to seal her big sister in the Sun for 1,000 years, hoping one day her sister could be freed and reformed.
> Much Time Passed and Luna took on many responsibilities, She Ruled Equestria alone. Luna took on the Responsibility of raising the sun.
> What if Cadence wasn't the princess of love?
> what if she was never a princess?
> Hardly anything is known about Queen Chrysalis or her past… which leaves us with many questions.
> anyway, let me get to the point What if Cadence wasn't an alicorn Princess BUT just a crystal Pegasus…
> Princess Chrysalis an Alicorn Princess of Love and Ruler Of the Crystal Empire.
> What If..?
> What If Luna Had to banish Her older Sister?
> For whatever reason she became Daybreaker and the only way to keep Equestria Safe was to use the elements of harmony.
> Luna had no choice but to seal her big sister in the Sun for 1,000 years, hoping one day her sister could be freed and reformed.
> Much Time Passed and Luna took on many responsibilities, She Ruled Equestria alone. Luna took on the Responsibility of raising the sun.
> What if Cadence wasn't the princess of love?
> what if she was never a princess?
> Hardly anything is known about Queen Chrysalis or her past… which leaves us with many questions.
> anyway, let me get to the point What if Cadence wasn't an alicorn Princess BUT just a crystal Pegasus…
> Princess Chrysalis an Alicorn Princess of Love and Ruler Of the Crystal Empire.
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