Special Talent: Planning superterific parties and making sure the sweets are just as amaztastic as the party
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Date of Birth/Sign: October 20, Libra
Place of Residence: Ponyville
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: Strawberry Chocolate was always had this sixth sense on people's moods. She can tell when someone is feeling down and she wants to do what she can to help that person feel better, even if that means not throwing them a humongous party. She is very energetic, but knows when it's time to cool the jets and be down to earth, especially for the ponies she cares about.
Fun Facts: When she first saw Nova she knew it was love at first sight. She makes the most beautiful chocolate covered strawberries. It's also her favorite dessert. She's mesmerized everyponie's favorite desserts like her mom.