*in length 27.5' (70 cm) *Made of cuddle 3 minky by Shannon Fabric *She has my signature embroidered into the bottom of her front hoof *The eyes and cutiemark are machined embroidered *Her eyes were embroidered with a Brother Innovis V5 embroidery machine, Madiera Rayon embroidery thread. The eyes were designed and digitised by me *removable dress
More photo [photos.app.goo.gl/y6RC4rpMX89Q…](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPVkEuLu4Jeu02RXhkfw97uNoRoUMyTKYBZx2pdEXSQASfdb-Z2hwt9zuYCW6eV3Q?key=WTFFc0xKcndqNjhlRVR3V1NtbENVcUlacTRkRmZ3)