Fine, but don't come crawling back for his help when your basement suddenly has fifteen additional levels, each one being noticeably warmer than the previous…
Ah, who am I kidding, he'd be all over that. Al here is quoting a line from Diablo 1. Sends a shiver down my spine. Just drawing this sent me down memory lane watching my dad play it way back when. I never played it myself as it was simply too spooky (also, I don't think any of our machines can run it now, lol). No modern cartoony Blizzard stuff, just a dark, unsettling atmosphere with monsters that you can't even see until they're on top of you. Despite it's dated graphics, the voice-acting and the music are all so good.
So yeah, a couple days early, but happy birthday to thecrimsonspark ! Messing up your little horsos with even more clashing lights. XD
Ember Sparks and Alburke Fallstorm belong to TheCrimsonSpark .
Ah, who am I kidding, he'd be all over that. Al here is quoting a line from Diablo 1. Sends a shiver down my spine. Just drawing this sent me down memory lane watching my dad play it way back when. I never played it myself as it was simply too spooky (also, I don't think any of our machines can run it now, lol). No modern cartoony Blizzard stuff, just a dark, unsettling atmosphere with monsters that you can't even see until they're on top of you. Despite it's dated graphics, the voice-acting and the music are all so good.
So yeah, a couple days early, but happy birthday to thecrimsonspark ! Messing up your little horsos with even more clashing lights. XD
Ember Sparks and Alburke Fallstorm belong to TheCrimsonSpark .
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