> Tender Taps being the shy little brother, Plaid Stripes being the loud, confident, older sister, Mr. Stripes being the proud, boasting, promoting dad, and Ms. Harshwhinny being the career-driven, traveling woman who still makes time to visit her kiddos to make sure they're being the best they can be! I imagine this picture happening after Tender Taps got his cutie mark and caught up with his family in Manehattan. I feel as if he has family in Ponyville and the smaller town helps his little, anxious self.
> All in all, I LOVE doing head canons with ponies and matching them up with someone else! I honestly didn't know if Harshwhinny would be a good pick for the wife of Mr. Stripes, but… it honestly makes sense. Mr. Stripes is a loud, brash man who could only marry a loud, brash woman. They make the ULTIMATE power couple as they promote their kids across Equestria! Nepotism? What's that?! LOL
> (The background was NOT made by me) :)