
A generic changeling drone. The addition of fur is my stylistic choice and not a mark of uniqueness for this character. \

Introvert, snarky, standoffish, but terribly loyal to who gives them love.

Likes: soup, warm days, attention yet treasures alone time.

Dislikes: bananas, rain, strangers.

Blasted into the Ghastly Gorge after the fiasco at Canterlot, Spiracle wandered, starving and hurt, down the windy river, until they had reached the small peninsula of Jolly Bay. There, too tired to continue, they found shelter in a old cottage and awaited death.

Yet what found them was a nice unicorn mare and her earth pony partner, that oddly enough started feeding them soup instead of blasting them out of town again.

Saved by Curlicue and in a relationship with her and her partner Cherry Turnover.

Equestria, The original town of Jolly Bay

Slender and thin, perfect to evade attacks from enemies and predators, but fragile and prone to injuries and cracking.


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