
Rough translation —
> Oleander: Well, what is the most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with Arizona?
> Tianhuo: Lasso.
> Pom: A horn attack or something…?
> Paprika: [nonsense]
> Oleander: No, it's the Elbow! The power of the elbow drop at the first hit is greater than that of the strong horn attack.
> Paprika[?]: I'm scared…
> (cracking head)
> Tianhuo: But if it's a slow mid attack, wouldn't it be better to just stand up and guard?
> [Ari 6B]
> Outbreak 24
> guard counter
> advantage
> Oleander: You're so annoying, my Doom Claw can't even guard, so can you stop interfering? Excuse me…? How many times did you redo the tutorial?
> Fred: DIE!
> Tianhuo: Unreasonable!


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