Born to Silly


Polite, gentle, and graceful, there are not many who dislike this young mare. Demure Breeze, often going by Demi, is Bay’s younger sister by two years. She is the youngest of the four Breeze siblings.
When Demi was just a foal, she and her mother left Cloudsdale for Ponyville to escape an abusive father. This was a hard decision for Orchid Breeze, but their mother knew she could not financially support four young ponies on her own. Demi grew up with few memories of her siblings, and Orchid was reluctant to speak about them when asked due to her guilt over leaving them behind. Her mother did her best raising the filly, and the two were and still are very close.
The pegasus showed an interest in writing and storytelling from a very young age, eventually earning her a cutie mark. Her dream is to become an author and illustrator of her own children‘s books. For now, she works as an editor for the Ponyville Gazette.
Demi has recently reunited with all of her siblings after so many years. The four of them bonded instantly, as if no time had passed at all. While her two older brothers are busy with their Wonderbolt career and don’t have as much free time, they all try and meet once a moon to spend time together. Bay and Demi see each other more often, traveling between Ponyville and Canterlot for regular visits.
Demure Breeze is an avid reader and bit of a nerd. She attends almost every Daring Do convention there is, and has a secret stash of fan fiction she doesn’t let anyone else read! She is excellent with foals and wqnts some of her own one day. While afraid of going out of her comfort zone and trying new things, her friends and siblings are there for her, actively encouraging her to come out of her shell and live her life to the fullest!


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