
> nopony said:
> I think we should make it a necklace, so let's pick a stone of appropriate size for that. As for color, let's use clear quartz, so our magic color will shine brightly through it.

*You roll a 14 (required 10). Success!
Moonflower (Facet): 19
Apple Basket (Facet): 15*

You decide on a rhombic pendant made of clear quartz, while Moonflower goes for a kite-shaped citrine brooch ornament, and Apple Basket, a roughly apple-shaped bixbite nightlight.

Once you've made your choices, Crystal Charm gives you instructional pamphlets on how to cut the gemstones into each respective shape. With gemstone and pamphlet in hoof, you return to your table.

Crystal Charm: "Alright! Before we start, you'll find a box of safety gear under each table. Take a pair of goggles and a dust mask, and put them on.

Is everypony set? Then let's get started! We'll be cutting these gems using a technique called faceting, which means we'll be grinding the stones down into the shape we want, and then we'll polish the facets until we get a nice shine.

To do that, we'll be using a few different grits of sanding files. You'll find them numbered from one to four. Lower numbers are used to remove material quicker, but leave a coarser finish. On the other hoof, higher numbers are used to smoothen the finish without removing much of the material.

With that in mind, we'll be starting with number one, and work our way up. Before we use any sanding file, though, we always need to lubricate it first. Fill up a pipette with water, and pour it onto the file like this."

As you follow the unicorn's demonstration, you realize that she is not using her unicorn magic at all — a considerate detail you are glad for.

Crystal Charm: "Now, with your tool all nice and wet, you're ready for some grinding action! Place your gemstone on the cutting board, and try using your sanding file on one of the edges, just to get a feel for it!"

Once again, you follow Crystal Charm's example, yet you are nonetheless taken by surprise by how efficient the tool is. In a single stroke, you've shaven off a small piece of the stone, as though it was made of chalk.

Crystal Charm: "Getting the hang of it? That's what I like to see! Now, it's time to let you have some fun. Follow the instruction pamphlets I gave you, and make sure to use the correct tool number for each step.

Oh, and don't worry too much about little mistakes; it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful! Now, if you need some help or a new gemstone, just raise your hoof and I'll be with right with you."

With that, you all slowly but surely begin to turn your gemstones into works of art…

You spend the better part of the hour faceting your gemstone, at first giving it the rough shape of a rhombus, then refining each facet one by one. By the end, you begin to understand why jewels are as expensive as they are.

Still, for as simple as their cuts are, you and your friends are quite happy with your gemstones. It is as though by your own hooves, you revealed the true beauty that was hidden inside of them.

Crystal Charm: "All done at this table? Nicely done! So it was a necklace, a brooch and a lamp, right?"

You each nod. Then, the unicorn begins to affix some finishing touches to your gems: a loop and a necklace for yours, a brooch for Moonflower, and a small decorative stem and leaf for Apple Basket.

Crystal Charm: "There you go! And here's your enchanting scrolls. We'll continue as soon as everypony's done faceting."

Fortunately, it doesn't take long before the last group complete their accessories, and are awarded scrolls of their own.

Crystal Charm: "Alright! Does everypony have a scroll? Then it's time to do some enchanting! For those of you who've never used a spell scroll or book before, I'll explain how it works.

Open your scroll like this. The first thing you see here is called the trigger. Some ponies use magic words only, but most spellcasters also use drawings like these, called arcane circles.

Simply put, triggers are catalysts used by magic to perform the spell written on the rest of the scroll. If you try to read further, you'll find arcane runes, which are essentially the spell's instructions written in magic language."

You take a peek further down the scroll, and find a confusing arrangement of glowing symbols and geometric shapes. One glance at your companions tells you that they don't understand it any more than you do.

Crystal Charm: "Fortunately, you don't need to read any of these instructions. Those are meant for the magic itself! To cast the spell, all you need to do is place your hoof on the arcane circle here, and the spell will prepare itself.

Then, touch your gemstone with your hoof, and say the magic word: Everlight!"

As Crystal Charm speaks the spell's name, the golden magic swirling around her hoof converges into her gemstone, which then begins to shine brightly. Ponies gasp in awe at the crystalline glow, then turn to their own scrolls with piqued curiosity.

Crystal Charm: "Looks easy, huh? Give it a try! If you're having trouble casting the spell, raise your hoof and I'll come by to help."

Doing as you are taught, you place a hoof on your spell scroll's arcane circle. An azure aura of magic begins to swirl around it. Then, you touch your gemstone, and speak the spell's name. Your pendant seemingly absorbs the magic, and begins to emit a mesmerizing glow.

You get Trailblazer's Everlight Pendant!

Moonflower: "Whoa, cool‼"

Apple Basket: "Well, I'll be! Didn't think I'd be castin' spells like a wizard today!"

You excitedly show each other your colourful finished products, and the activity soon comes to a close.

Crystal Charm: "Thanks for participating! Now go on, show everypony what you've made here today! Heheh."

Your pocket watch indicates five to two.

* To the north is: Souvenir Shops, Games & Prizes, Horseshoes Competition, and Carpenter's Workshop.

* To the east is: Obstacle Race.

* To the south is: Weaver's Workshop, and Glassblower's Workshop.

* To the west is: Music Performances, Scarf Knitting, Grape-stomping Contest, Confectioner's Workshop, Farrier's Workshop, Open Buffet, Apple Orchard, and Animal Farm.

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