DA Tags: mlp dontlookatthestagstheydontmeananything friendshipismagic twilight_sparkle twilightsparkle shehulkmarvel velmadinkleysexy [included so there is a tiny bit of contest at least — Uploader]
Please let me know if u think something about the face looks… not okay. Be honest.
This is a little off topic, but seriously, the music industry needs more EFFORT. We used to get 20 minute long songs from crazy epic bands from the late 60s, early 70s like Rush, Jethro Tull, pink Floyd, genesis, the band YES, and many more. It wasn't cost-effective, but it was fuckin art. Zoom a little, zoomers. ZOOM YOU SONS OF BITCHES, your parents tried hard so you didn't have to, and it shows. I'd like to hear you try singing Hemispheres, Cygnus x1 book 2 mother fuck, do it
I slap these onto boxes going to my old boss at the shoe store. Idk if I mentioned that I'm working at the sorting warehouse that sends it all there. I've been lifting like crazy and taken a few bad hits, but I got wicked toned and feel good about that. Wish I didn't feel sore though.
I hope you all have something you feel good about, unless that thing is She Hulk or Velma