- First born
- Hates math
- Passion lies in defense tactics
- Tired artist syndrome
- Introvert who gets adopted by extroverts
- Thinks her parents need to be sterilized
- Not the break in estrogen Flash was hoping for
- Very active in politics & philosophy
- Often butts heads with Virgo
- Close pupil to Starlight for awhile
- Student teacher at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns
- Family jokes about her and Strange Magic going rogue
- Born alicorn
- Assumed for greatness but chooses to nurture greatness in others
- Twilight’s choice for her heir
- A true middle child
- Spends the most time out of the castle
- Bingo buddies with Grandpa Night Light
Alnitak Orionis
- Older twin to Rigel
- Accompanies Flash everywhere
- Wants you to believe his scars are from training but actually from stupid stunts as a foal
Rigel Alnilam
- Younger twin to Orionis
- Soundboard for cousin Altri’s extensive love life
- Coffee addict
Horizon Spark
- Leader of the pack of youngins
- Stickler for rules
- Collects old things
Strange Magic
- Mute
- Earliest case of getting a cutiemark in recorded history
- Open up more to their siblings than anyone else
- Baby of the family
- Follows Horizon Spark
- Wants to be a seapony
More info will come in their bio pics!
Base by Kyper-Space
Apollo and Eileithyia designed by ghost-whisper03
Melpomene designed by gigason
Orionis and Rigel designed by ponymaws