"Now, what where the original elements of harmony called?" Shining asked his daughter who looked at the deep blue crystal streets before her light blue eyes lit up.
"Sorcery, Sacrifice, Healing, Bravery, Strength and uh…" she looked around the streets as if they would give her an answer.. "Oh! Hope!" It helped that she had been reading up about them with her aunt when Twilight last visited
"That's right!" Shining commented with a smile "A little harder, which pillar was associated with what element?" He asked with a raised brow
"Of course we know Starswirl the Bearded was Sorcery" She grinned as Shining nodded "Mistmane was sacrifice" this was the easier of the two questions, it was easier to remember the figures then the elements sometimes "Mage Meadowbrooke was Healing and Flash Magnus was bravery" she paused and "Oh oh! Somnambula was hope and!!! And Rockhoof was strength"
"Good job Flurrystorm!" Shining lightly nuzzled her head with his hoof "you are young to Ace that exam if you keep this up!" Flurry couldn't help but beam with pride, she would! She would make her entire family proud and heck, maybe even the whole Empire! As if she already hadn't.. but even more pride! That's what they needed.
The whole world was at her hooves and she was going to prove why, she just needed to Ace this exam.
———- Bases: ElementBases and Gloominosity Background: xPesifeindx