
Boi, she's a cutie.. But I don't want shunning for who her parents are!

Name: Cedar
Nicknames: Ceecee, Seedy
Mother: Gloriosa Daisy
Father: Filthy Rich
Gender: Mare
Age: 19
Love Interest: Croix
Siblings: Diamond Tiara (Half-Sister)
Family: Sci-Twi (Aunt), Timber Spruce (Uncle), Hestia (Cousin), Lelantos (Cousin), Shining Armor (Uncle)
Mane Color: Dull mahogany red with lighter streaks like her mother's
Coat Color: Light blush red
Eye Color: Vibrant green
Cutie Mark: A tree with decorations
Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: Decorator, part-time herbalist

Personality: Carefree and happy, Cedar is happy to decorate anything, especially trees. She's the cliché rebellious teen but with a more gentle side rather than edgy and snappy.

Biography: W.I.P

The * means they're not related by blood

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