Special Talent: Models her sisters and mothers designs, well used to
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Date of Birth/Sign: November 8, Scorpio
Place of Residence: Ponyville
Cutie Mark: Cutie Mark
Voice: Voice
Personality/Background: So her sister is more pony with her magic, her brother is more dragon with his wings and fire, so where does that leave Ribbon Flare? Ribbon Flare doesn't realize it, but she is beautiful in her own special way, but she can't see that when she's kind of spiteful of her sister. Ribbon Flare is basically a glorified earth pony (her words not mine). She used to model for her sister and mother's fashion lines, but as she got older and after the molt she got really insecure when she didn't really change physically.
Fun Facts: She didn't mind all the frilly things her mom and sister let her model, but she's more of into the goth style. She may have a crush on a certain florist that lives in Canterlot. Only truely shows her true self to her pet pig, Obsidian