> …Twilight was flying through the clouds feeling like she hadn't felt for a many years since she was first introduces to Celestia as a student — she felt free. Away from Equestria, away from ponies, whose princess she just killed, away from Luna who would likely avenge her sister's death, away from them all, because non of that mattered: she was finally free from Celestia's iron grip on her and everybody in the Faust forsaken land of Equestria.
> The preparation to the regicide took an enormous amount of effort, many years of groveling before the Princess and whole thirty months of learning a spell so powerful so the one strike standing before her and everypony's freedom would not fail…
> In unbridled joy Twilight lit her horn — just because she could, not worrying that she may get detected: she was too far now from any lands ponies inhabited and more importantly, she was free and Celestia was dead…
> The preparation to the regicide took an enormous amount of effort, many years of groveling before the Princess and whole thirty months of learning a spell so powerful so the one strike standing before her and everypony's freedom would not fail…
> In unbridled joy Twilight lit her horn — just because she could, not worrying that she may get detected: she was too far now from any lands ponies inhabited and more importantly, she was free and Celestia was dead…
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