> Pay Emerald Shade a visit. We want our boat to look cool for the race. We should also come up with a name for our little ship. How about Moonblazer?
> …
> Okay, maybe something a bit more creative than that.
Your party agrees to further customize the miniature boats with a painterly finish. And so, following Stable Timber's directions, you head southwest and across the road.
In a grassy field by the small river, you find about two dozen ponies painting to their hearts' content; some putting the final touches to their own boats at colourfully supplied tables, and others simply giving the art a try on easel-mounted canvases.
An earth pony filly — unmistakably the carpenter's younger sister by her matching eyes, emerald mane, and plaid accessories — quickly finishes setting up one last table before rushing to greet the new arrivals.
Emerald Shade: "Welcome! You're from the Carpenter's Workshop, right? I'm Emerald Shade. I've got a few tables ready if you want to paint your crafts. Over this way!"
You follow Emerald Shade as she assigns the newcomers to vacant tables. From across the burbling river, a sweet fragrance swirls in from the orchard, carried by a gentle autumn breeze.
Emerald Shade: "… And here, you three can take this one. The gray bottle is solvent; use it to clean your brushes, or undo any mistakes.
If you have questions, like how to mix certain colours, just raise a hoof and I'll be right along. If you want more decorations, you can find stencils, glitters, and miniature flags on the bench over there. Have fun!"
You thank the filly before she trots off to help somepony else with their project. Then, after setting your boats down on the table, you begin to think about how to best decorate the Moonblazer.
Moonflower: "Heehee! Is that what we're callin' it?"
You offer a sheepish shrug, and admit that it's a work in progress.
Moonflower: "Hmm… but how are we gonna do this? There's so many colours to choose from!"
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